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Above the strife of tongues, and over the stormy seas of sorrow, when, as Job said, even our kinsfolk have failed, and our familiar friends have forgotten us, there is borne to us the voice of One who sticketh closer than a brother, saying, "I am the Lord; I change not. With Me there is no variableness, neither the shadow of turning. I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."

"We shall always be good friends, Zara dearest," I said, "shall we not? Close, fond friends, like sisters?" "Sisters are not always fond of each other," remarked Zara, half gaily. "And you know 'there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother'!" "And what friend is that in YOUR case?" I asked, half jestingly, half curiously.

"I don't believe he has closed his eyes since we left England, Mrs. Doria." But Peter did not laugh: he appeared to be deep in thought. Suddenly he spoke and surprised them. "I'm afraid you're going to find me the sort of friend that sticketh closer than a brother, Albert.

I suppose when this was used as a playroom they had to take the nursery things out, and no wonder! I never saw such ravages as the children have made here. The wall-paper, as I said before, is torn off in spots, and it sticketh closer than a brother they must have had perseverance as well as hatred.

He, to whom the gods ordain defeat, hath his senses taken away, and it is for this that he stoopeth to ignoble deeds. When the intellect becometh dim and destruction is nigh, wrong, looking like right, firmly sticketh to the heart. Thou dost not clearly see it, O bull of the Bharata race, that clouded intellect hath now possessed thy sons in consequence of their hostility to the Pandavas.

I hastened to join him and offer my congratulations, which he was at first far from receiving in the spirit of cordiality with which they were offered. A heavy fit of coughing scarce permitted him breath enough to express the broken hints which he threw out against my sincerity. "Uh! uh! uh! uh! they say a friend uh! uh! a friend sticketh closer than a brither uh! uh! uh!

Wullahy, I have had warning in the sticking of this crown to my brows, and it sticketh like an abomination. They laughed at him, saying, 'It was the heaviness of that crown which overweighted thee in the bridge of the abyss, and few be they that bear it and go not to feed the Roc. Now, they feasted together, interchanging civilities, offering to each other choice morsels, dainties.