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I watched last night and there wasn't the slightest sign of anyone. You see, Smilax that's Tachachobee, but we call him Smilax because he smiles well, he and Echochee purposely led those fellows up the coast, and they'll keep on leading them any-old-where until it's safe to join us here. It's been carefully planned out.

A decoction of the twigs of that tree cured the gardener, as he assured us, of an obstinate pain in both shoulders that no other medicine would touch; which testimony in its favour made us look with an added interest on the cordate leaf, and small white verbena-looking flower, of certainly the first, and in all probability the last, Smilax sarsa we should ever see growing.

He went on tiptoe, begging; while I continued to watch for the elusive star, and my soul looked into the level eyes of God. A searching look next morning over the prairie revealed no sign of enemies, or of Smilax.

Not long since, while strolling through the woods, my attention was attracted to a small densely grown swamp, hedged in with eglantine, brambles, and the everlasting smilax, from which proceeded loud cries of distress and alarm, indicating that some terrible calamity was threatening my sombre-colored minstrel.

"Heap good friend," Smilax grinned, stooping to cut off the rattles that were large and perfect. "I thought you said there weren't any snakes out in winter!" "Not much; maybe no see any for long time."

Last time it was a bunch of the red field lily. Now it is, or it looks like yes, it is a genuine florist's bouquet. Something to open the eyes of the Ipswich villagers. A gorgeous wired platoon of roses, and smilax tuberose and mignonette Mr. Joseph, Mr. Joseph, what does this mean, who is this for? On he came, brisker, more debonnair, more smiling than Miss Dexter had ever seen him in her life.

The bottom lands of the great river were found to be covered with a network of underwood, and among this underwood the principal plant was a well-known briar, Smilax officinalis.

"I'd like to know some folks," Bedient admitted. Cairns was smiling at him. "You'll have to have a card at my clubs. There's Teuton's, Swan's and the Smilax down Gramercy way.... Perhaps we'd better stop in at the Swan's for a bite to eat. The idea is, you can try them all, Andrew, and put up at the one you fit into best " "Exactly," breathed Bedient.

'You big man now, Tachachobee, she say. 'Me got big man job, Echochee, me say, and tell her how me take 'em 'way." I was charmed with the way Echochee had put Smilax through the third degree, so to speak, because it proved that Sylvia had a shrewd protector; one who would at least not be outmatched except by force and, judging from the tray episode, even force would have to be considerable.

Long and earnestly did I listen for some sound of the chase, but the night had grown absolutely still except for a soft breeze rustling the palm fronds above my head and the prairie grass in front of me. Yet I felt secure in the belief that Smilax had not been taken.