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Kelly's woodbox happened to be a convenient place for directing the floaters and the repeaters. Kelly's political importance grew apace. His respectability grew more slowly. But it had grown and was growing. If you had asked Lizzie, the maid, why she was a Democrat, she would have given no such foolish reason as the average man gives.

"I'll pay you twenty per cent.," he offered, "for all the new names you put on my books." "Make it twenty-five on first orders and twenty on repeaters. I'll bring my own luncheon and pay my car-fare." "There wouldn't be any profit left," demurred Kurtz. "Good! Then it's a bargain twenty-five and twenty. Now watch me grab the adolescent offshoots of our famous Four Hundred."

The collection of watches is a hobby indulged in by but few; there are, however, many single examples included in household curios, and not infrequently several handsomely engraved old watch cases are seen exhibited in the modern glass-topped curio tables so fashionable in twentieth-century drawing-rooms now and then the interest in them being increased by the musical bells of the repeaters, many of which were made a century or more ago.

The three male defenders had ducked their heads below the protecting breast-work when the volley was fired, and then, discarding all idea of further care, they skipped along their respective lines, yelling and firing the repeaters so rapidly, that, to any one ignorant of the true state of things, it must have seemed as if the place were defended by a legion of demons.

No los Estados, ma vos, vos, vos! using, say the original relator and the repeaters of the story, a form of address, the second person plural, which in the Spanish language is expressive of contempt.

It was fitting that he should die in his prime. As the thirty head were let out of the agency corral, a great shouting arose among the braves who were to make the kill. A murderous fire from a hundred repeaters was poured into the running cattle. Several fell to their knees, then rose and struggled on. The scene was worthy of savages.