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Do look at this creature, I said to the Master, he seems to be very hard at work at his devotions. Mantas religiosa, said the Master, I know the praying rogue. Mighty devout and mighty cruel; crushes everything he can master, or impales it on his spiny shanks and feeds upon it, like a gluttonous wretch as he is. I have seen the Mantis religiosa on a larger scale than this, now and then.

There is a play here upon the term salto mortal, used to denote the dangerous aerial somersault of the acrobat, which cannot be rendered in English. "Conciencia." The same word is used in Spanish to denote both consciousness and conscience. If the latter is specifically intended, the qualifying adjective "moral" or "religiosa" is commonly added. San Juan de los Angeles.

Except to the mischievously inclined, they offer no inducement to commit violence. On landing, they flew to meet us, balancing themselves in the air in front, within easy reach of our hands. The other birds were crows, turtle-doves, fish-hawks, kingfishers, ibis nigra and ibis religiosa, flocks of whydah birds, geese, darters, paddy birds, kites, and eagles.

This union causes the continuation of existence and the "revolutions of time." The whole constitutes the Tree of Life. In Ceylon, there stands at the present time a tree which we are told is still worshipped by every follower of Buddha. It is a sacred bo, or Ficus Religiosa, which stands adjacent to an ancient holy shrine known as the Brazen Monastery, now in ruins.

And some subsisted by drinking only the rays of the moon, and some by drinking only froth. And some had betaken themselves to vow of living like deer. And some there were that lived upon the fruits of the Ficus religiosa, and some that used to live upon water. And some dressed themselves in rags and some in animal skins and some in barks of trees.

For some further remarks on the possible foreign origin of Mañjuśrî see below, chapter on Central Asia. Nik. This is his bodhi tree under which he will obtain enlightenment as Sâkyamuni under the Ficus religiosa. Takakusu, p. 213. See Johnston, From Peking to Mandalay, for an interesting account of Mt. Chinese, Tai-shih-chih. He appears to be the Arhat Maudgalyâyana deified.

In the best known species, Mantis religiosa, the head is triangular, the eyes large, the prothorax very long, and the body narrowed and lengthened; the anterior feet are armed with hooks and spines, and the shanks are capable of being doubled up on the under side of the thighs.