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Updated: August 16, 2024

Residing one night there, one acquireth the merit of giving away a thousand kine. Bathing next at Kanakhala, and fasting there for three nights, a person reapeth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and goeth to heaven. Then O lord of men, the pilgrim should repair to Kapilavata. Fasting for one night there, he obtaineth the merit of giving away a thousand kine.

It hath been said by the wise, O king, that if a person goeth to the spot where the Ganga mingleth with the sea, he reapeth merit which is ten times that of the horse-sacrifice. Crossing over to the opposite bank of the Ganga, he that batheth there having resided for three nights is, O king, cleansed from all his sins. One should next proceed to the Vaitarani capable of destroying every sin.

Then should one, O king, go to the unrivalled tirtha called Bhartristhana. By this, a person obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice. Bathing next in the tirtha called Koti, and worshipping Kartikeya, a man reapeth, O king, the merit of giving away a thousand kine, and acquireth great energy.

Bear me not malice for that I did with thee, for he who hath power and forgiveth, his reward is with God; even as saith the poet: Sow benefits aye, though in other than fitting soil. A benefit's never lost, wherever it may be sown; And though time tarry full long to bring it to harvest-tide, Yet no man reapeth its fruit, save he who sowed it alone.

He, therefore, that giveth away such a cow, reapeth the merit of giving away the earth. And he that giveth away such a cow, is adored in heaven for as many thousands of Yugas as there are bristles on the bodies of the animal and her young one together.

The fruit of our labour may perhaps not be separable from that of others, any more than the sowers can go into the reaped harvest-field and identify the gathered ears which have sprung from the seed that they sowed, but it is there all the same; and whosoever may be unable to pick out each man's share in the blessed total outcome, the Lord of the harvest knows, and His accurate proportionment of individual reward to individual service will not mar the companionship in the general gladness, when 'he that soweth and he that reapeth shall rejoice together.

And it is through thy fault that this battle hath taken place with the Pandavas. Having committed a sin, do thou, therefore, reap the fruit of that sin of thine. One reapeth the fruit of acts perpetrated by one's own self. Do thou, therefore, O king, reap the fruit of thy own acts both here and hereafter.

Men that sow some great prairie broadcast cannot go into the harvest-field and say, 'I sowed the seed from which that ear came, and you the seed from which this one sprang. But the waving abundance belongs to them all, and each may be sure that his work survives and is glorified there, 'that he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. So a perpetual remembrance is sure for the smallest Christian service.

Residing with purity at the confluence of the Sona and the Jyotirathi, and offering oblations of water to the gods and the Pitris, a man reapeth the merit of the Agnishtoma sacrifice. Touching next the waters of the Vansagulma constituting the sources of both the Sona and the Narmada, one obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice.

Therein David is but a very conspicuous example of a law which runs through all our work for God. None of us are privileged to perform completed tasks. 'One soweth and another reapeth. We have to be content to do partial work, and to leave its completion to our successors.

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