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What wad ye hae o' me thinkin I would tak a man 'at was garred! Na, na; there s' be nae garrin! And ye canna gar him merry me gien I winna hae him! The day's by for that! A garred man! My certy! Na, I thank ye!" "Weel, my bonny leddy," said Peter, "gien I had a prence to my son, providit he was worth yer takin I wad say to ye, 'Hae, my leddy!"

"I don't think I could venture. He's too dreadful! I should be terrified at him." "Dreidfu' my leddy? He's the quaietest, kin'liest auld man I that is, providit ye say naething for a Cawmill, or agen ony ither hielanman.

'I doot na', for she's weel plenisht an' providit, I says. Mistress MacMorrine did not seem to be very well pleased at the unceremonious way in which Jock had dealt with the contents of her larder, but the inducement was too great to be gainsaid. "Ye'll mak' it reasonable, nae doot," said Jock, "sae as to gie the gentlemen a good impression. There's a' thing in a first impression."

"Hoots, haivers, Maister Ralph, gin Jock has providit for you that needs a' things as gin ye war in a graund hoose, dinna be feared for Jock, that can eat a wamefu' o' green heather-taps wi' the dew on them like a bit flafferin' grouse bird. Jock can fend for himsel' brawly. Sillar wad only tak' the edge aff his genius."

Ye tak it as gien there was shame intil 't! An' gien there wasna shame, I daur ye to priv there can be ony disgrace! Gien ye come to that wi' 't, hoo was the Lord o' a' himself supportit whan he gaed aboot cleanin' oot the warl'? Wasna it the women 'at gaed wi' 'im 'at providit a' thing?" "True; but that was very different!