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Wenn irgendwo, so gilt auch hier des Apostels Wort: Alles ist Euer. "Aber nicht bloss die Erzeugung der Predigt geschehe im heiligen Geist, sondern auch ihr Vortrag.

She would smile afterwards and talk about a "schone Predigt" certainly.... If she should ask about the sermon? Everything would come out then. What would be the good? Fraulein would not understand. It would be better to pretend. She could not think of any woman who would understand. And she would be obliged to live somewhere. She must pretend to somebody. She wanted to go on, to see the spring.

J. Klausner's Die messianische Vorstellungen des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter der Tannaiten is probably the clearest statement of the facts. J. Weiss, Die Predigt Jesu vom Reiche Gottes. The first edition of this book is smaller and better than the second. The Quest of the Historic Jesus. I have endeavoured to deal with this question in the Stewardship of Faith, pp. 36 ff. Mark x. 17 ff.

Es heißt darin, daß zu der Hauptaufgabe der Narodna Odbrana die Verbindung mit ihren nahen und ferneren Brüdern jenseits der Grenze und unseren übrigen Freunden in der Welt gehören. Oesterreich ist als erster und größter Feind bezeichnet. Wie die Narodna Odbrana die Notwendigkeit des Kampfes mit Oesterreich predigt, predigt sie eine heilige Wahrheit unserer nationalen Lage.

Some of the people went away, and others waited for the 'allgemeine Predigt'. In a quarter of an hour a much larger congregation than the first assembled, the girls all with net-handkerchiefs tied round their heads so as to look exactly like the ancient Greek head-dress with a double fillet the very prettiest and neatest coiffure I ever saw.

The 'Predigt' was delivered, after more singing, by a missionary cabinet-maker, in Dutch, very ranting, and not very wise; the congregation was singularly decorous and attentive, but did not seem at all excited or impressed just like a well-bred West-end audience, only rather more attentive. The service lasted three- quarters of an hour, including a short prayer and two hymns.