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Porteus, Bishop of Chester, but now Bishop of London, came forward as a new advocate for the natives of Africa. The way in which he rendered them service, was by preaching a sermon in their behalf, before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.

Newton, Bishop Porteus and other clergy strengthened her with their counsel and rendered her personal assistance; and at the close of the eighteenth century, the neighbourhood of Cowslip Green wore a very different aspect from what it had worn twenty years earlier.

At the age of eighty, though still receiving many visitors, she found herself nearly alone in the world. All her most intimate friends had died, Mrs. Porteus, Bishop of London; Dr. Fisher, Bishop of Salisbury; Bishop Horne, Bishop Barrington; Dr. Andrew, Dean of Canterbury; and Lady Cremon, besides her three sisters.

Porteus, then bishop of Chester, after which, in the year 1784, it made its appearance in the world. I was delighted with this account on the first evening of my arrival; but more particularly as I collected from it, that I might expect in the bishop of Chester and sir Charles Middleton, two new friends to the cause.

Montagu, in whose salon the most distinguished men of the age assembled as the headquarters of fashionable society, Edmund Burke, then member for Bristol in the House of Commons; Gibbon; Alderman Cadell, the great publisher; Bishop Porteus; Rev. John Newton; and Sir James Stonehouse, an eminent physician.

It is a great pity that this wretched pretence to a church history was not long ago displaced by a work calculated to do some justice, and to render some service, to the cause of Christ. I afterwards read works in favor of Christianity and against infidelity, by Robert Hall, Olinthus Gregory, Dr. Chalmers, Le Clerc, Hartwell Horne, S. Thompson, Bishop Watson, Bishop Pearson, Bishop Porteus.

Montagu, Dr. Porteus, Mrs. Boscawen, Mr. Pepys, and Rev. John Newton. In the charming seclusion of Cowslip Green she wrote her treatise on the "Manners of the Great;" the first of that series in which she rebuked the fashions and follies of the day. It had an immense circulation, and was published anonymously.

But, whatever might have been thought before hand, or whatever may have been the immediate cause of such neglect, it positively appears, that, "when the fleet was on the point of sailing, in the year 1787, no clergyman had been thought of," nor was it without a strong appeal to those in authority from one whose conduct in this instance is worthy of all praise, WILBERFORCE, aided by the interest of Bishop Porteus with Sir Joseph Banks, that the Rev.

Porteus, bishop of London, as he had expressed his desire of becoming useful to the institution. A circular letter also, with the report before mentioned, was ordered to be sent to the majors of several corporate towns. A case also occurred, which it may not be improper to notice.

Porteus, bishop of London, as he had expressed his desire of becoming useful to the institution. A circular letter also, with the report before mentioned, was ordered to be sent to the mayors of several corporate towns. A case also occurred, which it may not be improper to notice.