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I then considered, that I had not yet a sufficient number of friends to support me. This occasioned me to review them. I had now Sir Charles Middleton, who was in the House of Commons. I was sure of Dr. Porteus, who was in the House of Lords. I could count upon Lord Scarsdale, who was a peer also. I had secured Mr.

See ante, ib. p. 466 See ante, ib. p. 467. See ante, ib. p. 470. See ante, ib. p. 469. See ante, p. 405. Bishop Porteus. See ante, p. 279. Miss Letitia Barnston. 'At Chester I passed a fortnight in mortal felicity.

In this incipient disgust of gay and worldly society chiefly because it improved neither her mind nor her morals, because it was stupid and dull, as it generally is to people of real culture and high intelligence she seems to have been gradually drawn to the learned prelates of the English Church, like Dr. Porteus, Bishop of Chester, afterwards of London; the Bishop of St. Asaph; and Dr.

When, then, Becky told him that the great crisis was near, and the time for action had arrived, Rawdon expressed himself as ready to act under her orders, as he would be to charge with his troop at the command of his colonel. There was no need for him to put his letter into the third volume of Porteus.

She did not accommodate her opinions to meet the exigencies of different coteries, nor was she addicted to compromise. She was equally at ease in discussing the merits of Rasselas with Dr. Johnson, the curiosities of art with Lord Orford, Roman history with Gibbon, and the state of the Church with Bishop Porteus.

On Monday, April 13, I dined with Johnson at Mr. Langton's, where were Dr. Porteus, then Bishop of Chester, now of London, and Dr. Stinton. He was at first in a very silent mood. Before dinner he said nothing but 'Pretty baby, to one of the children.