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Horace's famous "Persicos odi, puer, apparatus," has a very close application in the "Persian stuff" with which British journalism has lately been flooded. How various his employments whom the world Calls idle! says Cowper. To describe the holiday amusement provided for the shah in England as having been a grand "variety entertainment" would feebly represent the mixture actually furnished him.

Persicos odi, Anastasia; 'tis a humiliating reflection that the hair of a dead woman artfully disposed about a living head should have the power to set men squabbling, and murder be at times engendered in a paint-pot. However, wrap yourself in the cloak. Now turn up the collar, so. Now pull down the hatbrim. Um a pretty well. Chance favors us unblushingly.

'Well, you must sup with me some evening; I have tolerable muraenae in my reservoir, and I ask Pansa the aedile to meet you. 'O, no state with me! Persicos odi apparatus, I am easily contented. Well, the day wanes; I am for the baths and you... 'To the quaestor business of state afterwards to the temple of Isis. Vale!

The musicians, who were stationed in the portico without, had commenced their office with the kid; they now directed the melody into a more soft, a more gay, yet it may be a more intellectual strain; and they chanted that song of Horace beginning 'Persicos odi', etc., so impossible to translate, and which they imagined applicable to a feast that, effeminate as it seems to us, was simple enough for the gorgeous revelry of the time.

The past is enough of itself to guarantee a future of fame unapproachable and inextinguishable. The Yankee chain you'd gladly split, And yet begin by heating it! But when the iron is all aglow, 'Twill closer blend at every blow. Learn wisdom from a warning word, Beat not the chain into a sword. Qui curios simulant, et Bacchanalia vivunt. Odi Persicos apparatus. Indulge Genio: carpamus dulcia.

To make these waistcoats for a man of his size and dignity took at least a day, part of which he employed in hiring a servant to wait upon him and his native and in instructing the agent who cleared his baggage, his boxes, his books, which he never read, his chests of mangoes, chutney, and curry-powders, his shawls for presents to people whom he didn't know as yet, and the rest of his Persicos apparatus.