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Naini Tal had sent down her contingent with all speed; the lathering ponies of the Dalhousie Road staggered into Pathankot, taxed to the full stretch of their strength; while from cloudy Darjiling the Calcutta Mail whirled up the last straggler of the little army that was to fight a fight in which was neither medal nor honour for the winning, against an enemy none other than 'the sickness that destroyeth in the noonday.

The march began after we got out of the train at Pathankot, in a hot night among the rice and poppy-fields. It was all new to Adam, and he had opinions to advance notably about a fish that jumped on a wayside pond. "Now I know," he shouted, "how Khuda puts them there. First He makes them and then He drops them down. That was a new one."

He took the groom's deposition and retired into himself for a time, evolving thieves. Then he sent Kennedy, of the Pathankot charge, an official letter and an unofficial note. Kennedy's reply was purely unofficial, and it ran thus: "This seems a compliment solely intended for you. My wonder is, you didn't get it before. The men are probably back in your district by this time.

It is a far cry to Delhi, and farther to Benares. 'By road and the trains. From Pathankot, having left the Hills, I came hither in a te-rain. It goes swiftly. At first I was amazed to see those tall poles by the side of the road snatching up and snatching up their threads, he illustrated the stoop and whirl of a telegraph-pole flashing past the train.

'Holy One, hast thou ever taken the Road alone? Kim looked up sharply, like the Indian crows so busy about the fields. 'Surely, child: from Kulu to Pathankot from Kulu, where my first chela died. When men were kind to us we made offerings, and all men were well-disposed throughout all the Hills. 'It is otherwise in Hind, said Kim drily. 'Their Gods are many-armed and malignant. Let them alone.

Desmond had ordained that Lenox and his wife should be carried down in doolies; an indignity to which they submitted under protest: and Honor, scrambling out of her prison through an opening level with the ground, passed quite gratefully from its stuffy twilight, redolent of sodden canvas and humanity, to the smell of hot wood and leather that pervaded the sun-saturate railway carriage awaiting them in Pathankôt station.

Naini Tal had sent down her contingent with all speed; the lathering ponies of the Dalhousie Road staggered into Pathankot, taxed to the full stretch of their strength; while from cloudy Darjiling the Calcutta Mail whirled up the last straggler of the little army that was to fight a fight, in which was neither medal nor honour for the winning, against an enemy none other than "the sickness that destroyeth in the noonday."

'I learned it in Pathankot sitting on a doorstep, said the lama shyly. 'It is good to be kind to babes. 'As I remember, before the sleep came on us, thou hadst told me that marriage and bearing were darkeners of the true light, stumbling-blocks upon the Way. Do children drop from Heaven in thy country? Is it the Way to sing them songs?