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A well in the centre of the island and a palm-tree beside the church are linked to the traditional history of the founders of the abbey. Worked into the later buildings we find marbles and sculptures which may have been brought from the mainland, as at Torcello, by fugitives who had escaped the barbaric storm.

They are as much alike as two leaves of one palm-tree." "How was Lykon dressed that night?" "He wore a jacket in yellow and black stripes, a cap of the same material, and a red and blue apron. Do not torment me; return me my health! Be compassionate! I will be faithful to your gods! Are ye going already? Oh, hard-hearted!"

The sun set, and whilst we were in the lamentable condition I have described, the gate of the apartment opened with a loud crash, and there came out the horrible figure of a black man, as tall as a lofty palm-tree. He had but one eye, and that in the middle of his forehead, where it looked as red as a burning coal.

To the astonished Sport of Fortune the vision of this radiant girl, in shape and stature and in noble air, is more than mortal, yet scarcely more than woman: "Like thee, I saw of late, In Delos, a young palm-tree growing up Beside Apollo's altar."

And as you pass by, just glance at our little garden; we grieved to see the fine old palm-tree perish; but now a young and vigorous shoot is growing from the root." "It has been drooping since yesterday and will die away," replied Philippus shrugging his shoulders. But the old man exclaimed: "Water it, Gibbus! the palm-tree must be watered at once."

Then they came to an India more strange to them than to the untravelled Englishman the flat, red India of palm-tree, palmyra-palm, and rice, the India of the picture-books, of Little Henry and His Bearer all dead and dry in the baking heat. They had left the incessant passenger-traffic of the north and west far and far behind them.

The branches of the bertholletia are open, very long, almost entirely bare towards the base, and loaded at their summits with tufts of very close foliage. This disposition of the semicoriaceous leaves, which are a little silvery on their under part, and more than two feet long, makes the branches bend down toward the ground, like the fronds of the palm-tree.

It is curious to observe in the lowest degree of human civilization the existence of a whole tribe depending on one single species of palm-tree, similar to those insects which feed on one and the same flower, or on one and the same part of a plant.

His affectionate remembrance of his Syrian home, led him to introduce into his new kingdom the flowers and fruits of the east; and the palm-tree, which was the parent of all those of its kind in Spain, and to which he addressed the well-known lines, lamenting their common fate as exiles from their fatherland, was planted by himself in the gardens of the Rissáfah, a country palace built on the model of one near Damascus, in which the first years of his life had been spent.

'What is thy food? asked the bird and the other answered, 'What falls from the palm-tree. 'And what is thy clothing? asked the pigeon.