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Yeck divvus a prastramengro prastered pauli a Rommany chal, an' the chal jalled adree the panni, that was pordo o' boro bittis o' floatin' shill, and there he hatched pall his men with only his sherro avree. "Hav avree," shelled a rye that was wafro in his see for the pooro rnush, "an' we'll mukk you jal!" "Kek," penned the Rom; "I shan't jal."

On a day a poor man had a dog that used to steal things and carry them home for his master meat, money, watches, and spoons. A gentleman bought the dog, and made a great deal of money by showing him at fairs. Where rich men can make money honestly, poor men have to steal. 'Pre yeck chairus a cooromengro was to coor, and a rye rakkered him, "Will tute mukk your kokero be koored for twenty bar?"

"Tacho," penned the prastramengro, "it's the kushtiest pauno rani mandy ever dickdus. Ki did tute kin it?" Avali, many's the chairus mandy's tippered a trinmushi to a prastramengro ta mukk mandy hatch my tan with the chavvis. Once on a time a Gipsy stole a turkey, and then met a policeman on the road. "Where did you steal that turkey?" asked the policeman.

Then she chored the bori kani, an' it shelled avree, "Mukk mandy jal an' I'll sikker tute ki you can loure a rani-chillico." And when she lelled the rani-chillico, it penned, "Mukk mandy jal an' I'll sikker tute odoi ki tute can lel a guruvni's tikno." So she lelled the guruvni's tikno, an' it shokkered and ruvved, an' rakkered, "Mukk mandy jal an' I'll sikker tute where to lel a fino grai."

Well, if it's to be that, I hope it will be a long time coming. Yes, indeed. Yeckorus, boot hundred beshes the divvus acai, a juva was wellin' to chore a yora. "Mukk mandy hatch," penned the yora, "an' I'll sikker tute ki tute can lel a tikno pappni." So the juva lelled the tikno pappni, and it pookered laki, "Mukk mandy jal an' I'll sikker tute ki tute can chore a bori kani."

I have been told that "when a nag mullers it's hardus as a kosh, and you can pogger it like a swagler's toov," "When a blind-worm dies it is as hard as a stick, and you can break it like a pipe-stem." They also believe that the Nag is gifted, so far as his will goes, with incredible malignity, and say of him "If he could dick sim's he can shoon, He wouldn't mukk mush or grai jal an the drum."

And I penned, 'Any thing dush? 'Worse nor dovo. 'What is the covvo? Says yuv, 'Mandy kaums tute to jal to my pal don't spare the gry mukk her jal! So he del mi a fino grai, and I kistered eight mee so sig that I thought I'd mored her. An' I pet her dree the stanya, an' I jalled a lay in the puv and' odoi I dicked Job. "And he pens as he was mullerin.

Penned the cooromengro, "Will tute mukk mandy pogger your herry for a hundred bar?" "Kek," penned the rye; "for if I did, mandy'd never pirro kushto ajaw." "And if I nashered a kooraben," penned the engro, "mandy'd never praster kekoomi." Kammoben is kushtier than wongur. Said the prize-fighter, "Will you let me break your leg for a hundred pounds?"