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Updated: August 11, 2024

The green and pleasant spring cultivation, the darkly fair verdure of several young olive-trees, here and there a graceful palm, now broad leafy shadowy fig-trees, the delicate almond and the pretty pomegranate, all the treasures of the gardens of Misratah, raised our joy to ecstasy.

Poor Regini gets only twelve dollars a month from the Pasha of Tripoli for his employment of quarantine agent, and is obliged to look after three ports, for Misratah has three ports, at a considerable distance from each other, as well as several hours' ride from the town. Visited with Regini the acting Kaed or Governor of this place, and brother of the Bey, now in Tripoli.

I was just as tired and stiff with riding the last day as the first day when I started on the tour, besides having my health and strength essentially impaired. We directed our course to Misratah, instead of Benioleed, on account of there being more water in the former route. Benioleed, or Ben Waleed ‮بن وليد‬ lies to the north-west of Bonjem, but Misratah nearly due north.

In the course of this day's march, crossed many small but deep dry ravines, all of which have water in the winter. No hares or gazelles were started in these few days' journey from Misratah, the country being generally populated, but birds increased on every side. Noticed here, as in Tunis, a great variety of beetles.

Population and Condition of the Jews in Misratah and Tripoli. Regini sighs for the honour of hoisting the Union Jack. Village of Zeiten. Leghma; and the tapping of the Date-Palm. Corn Fields and Grain Culture in North Africa. Manipulation. Sahel or Salhin; its splendid Gardens. The Eastern Terminus groups of Mount Atlas. Ruins of Lebida; and other Ancient Ruins. Monosyllabic Old Moor.

Near Misratah, I observed, for the first time in my tour, the hawthorn-tree: it was reddened over with nice ripe haws. This was a small piece of mountain, looking abruptly over a wady, or deep valley. On this mountain block the Sheikh concentrated all his military forces, collecting as well the families of his tribe.

Lyon has mentioned the same report, and locates Jews south from Timbuctoo, supposing them to have gone originally from Morocco. Many of the Tripoline mountains contain Jews, and in Misratah there are a hundred families. As a specimen of the state of Biblical learning and literature amongst these Jews, I give the following conversation I had with Rabbi Samuel.

I had scarcely spoken a word to Essnousee during these last five days, but, on the morning of the 11th, he entered voluntarily into conversation with me, informing me there was an English quarantine agent at the port of Misratah. The slave-driver, getting nearer to the coast, had cunningly abated his ardour for beating the slaves. He now began to fear he might get reported to the Bashaw.

In our traverse of the mountains we met the Bey of Misratah returning from Tripoli, full of the confidence of his Turkish master the Pasha, and very splendidly attired though en route, with some dozen mounted Moors, all very gay, showing themselves off on their prancing barbs.

Imbroglio of an Arab with the Kaed of Bonjem. Description of the Fort of Bonjem. The Disease of the Filaria Medinensis, and its Cure. My Journal confused and fragmentary. Route from Bonjem to Misratah. Enter the regions of Rain and Open Culture. Bughalah, or the Rock, where Abd-El-Geleel was assassinated. Wells of Daymoum and Namwah. Sudden changes of Temperature in North Africa.

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