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"But you don't need me here. I can feel more independent over there at Murphy's. And I shall be quite all right there, I assure you." The house was now all to rights "spick and span," Mrs. MacCall said and Saturday was given up to preparing for the coming school term. It was the last day of the long vacation.

"If we haven't," said Mrs. MacCall, from the pantry, "I'll fry you some snowballs and make a pot of icicle soup." It was plain that the streets would not be cleared that day. If the girls were able to get to school by the following Monday they would be fortunate.

"And he used to be a clown, and an acrobat, and " "And a lion in a Daniel's den!" interposed Dot, afraid that Tess would tell it all. "Did you ever?" And Mrs. MacCall was sure she never had! Meanwhile Ruth and Agnes had run their separate ways. It was Agnes who was fortunate in meeting the carriage driven by Neale O'Neil.

"What what's he going to do?" stammered Ruth, clinging to Agnes' hand under the hymn-book which they shared together. "Something awful! Poor Neale!" "His head looks a fright," declared Ruth. "And everybody's laughing," groaned Agnes. "Girls!" admonished Mrs. MacCall, "try to behave." The creaking of the deacon's boots drew near. Old Mr.

MacCall had left a nice little lunch, and a pot of cocoa to warm them up. The girls gathered their chairs in a half circle about the front of the kitchen range, with Neale, and while Uncle Rufus got the refreshments ready, Ruth and Agnes told their sisters something about the barn dance. But Neale had his eye on the old colored man. "What's the matter, Uncle?" he asked.

"If you were real hungry it would be dreadful. I think you'd better take some crackers and cheese upstairs with, you when you go to bed." Neale took this all in good temper, but Mrs. MacCall exclaimed, suddenly: "There! I knew there was something I forgot from the store to-day. Tess, do you and Dot want to run over to Mr. Stetson's after supper and bring me some crackers?"