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The city being thus doubled in number, one hundred of the Sabines were elected senators, and the legions were increased to six thousand foot and six hundred horse; then they divided the people into three tribes; the first, from Romulus, named Ramnenses; the second, from Tatius, Tatienses; the third, Luceres, from the lucus, or grove, where the Asylum stood, whither many fled for sanctuary, and were received into the city.

It was, however, a matter of course that the opening of the year should also be included in the sphere of Ianus, especially after Ianuarius came to be placed at its head. I. IV. Tities and Luceres I. VI. Amalgamation of the Palatine and Quirinal Cities I. VII. Servian Wall I. III. Latium I. VII. Relation of Rome to Latium I. V. Burdens of the Burgesses, I. XI. Crimes

With the latter group there has been closely associated for at least two thousand five hundred years the name of the Romans. Its derivation cannot be given with certainty; possibly "Ramnes" may mean "the people on the stream." Tities, Luceres But they were not the only dwellers on the hills by the bank of the Tiber.

In the earliest division of the burgesses of Rome a trace has been preserved of the fact that that body arose out of the amalgamation of three cantons once probably independent, the Ramnians, Tities, and Luceres, into a single commonwealth in other words, out of such a synoikismos as that from which Athens arose in Attica.

The -sortes- were probably small wooden tablets arranged upon a string, which when thrown formed figures of various kinds; an arrangement which puts one in mind of the Runic characters. I. X. Hellenes and Latins I. VII. Servian Wall I. II. Indo-Germanic Culture I. IV. Tities and Luceres Agriculture, Trade, and Commerce

At the taking of the vote in the senate the senators taken from the old clans were asked before those of the "lesser." It thus appears that the synoikismos , by which the Palatine community incorporated that of the Quirinal, marked an intermediate stage between the earliest synoikismos by which the Tities, Ramnes, and Luceres became blended, and all those that took place afterwards.

How the college of augurs could be reduced to the number of four, except by the death of two, I do not understand: for it is a rule among the augurs, that their number should be composed of threes, so that the three ancient tribes, the Ramnes, Titienses, and Luceres, should have each its own augur; or, in case there should be occasion for more, that each should increase its number of augurs, in equal proportion with the rest, in like manner as when, by the addition of five to four, they made up the number nine, so that there were three to each tribe.

Nevertheless the undertaking proved a failure: on this occasion at least the Hellenic superiority in the art of war, and the bravery of the tyrant Aristodemus, succeeded in repelling the barbarian assault on the beautiful seaport. I. IV. Tities, Luceres The Etruscans Etruscan Nationality

At first it was a single tribe or people distributed into distinct gentes or houses; after the Sabine war, a second tribe was added on terms of equality, and the state was dual, composed of two tribes, the Ramnes and the Tities or Quirites, and, afterward, in the time of Tullus Hostilius, were added the Lucertes or Luceres, making the division into three ruling tribes, each divided into one hundred houses or gentes.

On the contrary each of the three tribes of Ramnes, Tities, and Luceres must have been distributed throughout the two regions of the oldest city, the Subura and Palatine, and the suburban region as well: with this may be connected the fact, that afterwards not only in the Suburan and Palatine, but in each of the regions subsequently added to the city, there were three pairs of Argean chapels.