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M. Larrey above all was sublime. After having attended to all the wounded of the guard, who were crowded together on the Island of Lobau, he asked if there was any broth to give them. "No," replied the assistants.

Van der Heim and the Republican conclave in whose hands was the direction of foreign affairs, dreading the approach of the French armies to the Dutch frontier, sent the Count de Larrey on a private mission to Paris in November, 1745, to endeavour to negotiate terms of peace. He was unsuccessful; and in February, 1746 another fruitless effort was made, Wassenaer and Jacob Gilles being the envoys.

After I had dried myself and dressed, I wanted to lie beside the fire, but Doctor Larrey was against this and told me to walk around, something I was unable to do without the aid of two troopers.

Baron Larrey knew of a man whose head was completely transfixed by a ramrod, which extended from the middle of the forehead to the left side of the nape of the neck; despite this serious injury the man lived two days.

I was pale and had grown thinner, and my eyes looked larger from my perpetual transports, for I went to extremes in everything. Baron Larrey, who came with my mother to my confirmation, asked for a month's holiday for me to recruit, and this was granted. Accordingly we started, my mother, Madame Guerard, her son Ernest, my sister Jeanne, and I, for Cauterets in the Pyrenees.

At Larrey's name, all the soldiers would rise and cheer with a friendly respect. "Any one else in my place," writes Larrey further, "would have perished on the bridge of the Beresina, crossing it as I was doing, for the third time and at the most dangerous moment.

Jomini. Baron. *Jourdan. Comte. Junot. Duc d'Abrantès. *Kellermann. Duc de Valmy. *Lannes. Duc de Montebello. Larrey. Baron. Latour-Maubourg. Baron. Lauriston. Comte. Lavalette. Comte. Minister of Posts. *Lefebvre. Duc de Danzig. *Macdonald. Duc de Taranto. Maret. Duc de Ragusa. *Masséna. Miot. Comte de Melito. Méneval. Baron. Mollien. Comte. Minister of the Treasury. *Moncey. Duc de Conegliano.

The marshal bore the amputation of his limb with heroic courage; but the fever which came on immediately was so violent that, fearing he would die under the operation, the surgeons postponed cutting off his other leg. This fever was caused partly by exhaustion, for at the time he was wounded the marshal had eaten nothing for twenty-four hours. Finally Messieurs Larrey,

M. Larrey and M. de Gassicourt confided this honorable task to M. Fortin, a young chemist major, who in 1807 had by his indefatigable courage and perseverance saved from certain death nine hundred sick, abandoned, without physicians or surgeons, in a hospital near Dantzic, and nearly all suffering from an infectious malady.

M. le Baron Larrey was always most disinterested in his kind services, a fact which was well known and often abused. General d'A , the son of a rich senator, had his shoulder broken by a shell at Wagram; and an exceedingly delicate operation was found necessary, requiring a skilled hand, and which M. Larrey alone could perform.