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Rer Furlabah. 4. Rer Mummasan. 9. Rer Gada. 5. Rer Guleni. 10. Rer Ali Addah. Rer Galan. 4. Rer Dubbah. 2. Rer Harlah. 5. Rer Kul. 3. Rer Gadishah. 6. Rer Gedi.

The names and duration are as follows, viz : Sut Jug, 1,728,000 years; Treth Jug, 1,296,000 years; Duapur Jug, 864,000 years; and Kul Jug. 432,000 years. This makes the present age of the world to be about 3,893,000 years! About five P. M. I reached Sirinugger, and found the advanced guard in possession of one of the bungalows.

On the other three sides of the talao, mango, jak, plum, orange, lichi, cocoanut, kul, bel, and other fruit-trees grew thickly in rows, looking in the darkness like a wall with an uneven top. Occasionally the harsh voice of a bird in the branches broke the silence.

She talked to the people in their own language; the "open air" was designed for the people. "Kiko! Kiko!" He looked down at a coolie-woman with shrivelled breasts crouched on her haunches upon the ground, bent with the toil of half a century, and back at the girl beside the torch. "Do not delay until to-morrow!" Laura besought them. "Kul ka dari mut karo!"

They will undertake this and that, 'when they get around to it. The phrase translated is the exact equivalent to the mañana of the Spaniard, the kul hojaiga of Upper India, the yuroshii of the Japanese, and the long drawled taihod of the Maori. The only person who 'gets around' in this weather is the summer boarder the refugee from the burning cities of the Plain, and she is generally a woman.

The old people on the shore of the River Amyl related to me an ancient legend to the effect that a certain Mongolian tribe in their escape from the demands of Jenghiz Khan hid themselves in a subterranean country. Afterwards a Soyot from near the Lake of Nogan Kul showed me the smoking gate that serves as the entrance to the "Kingdom of Agharti."

All along o' dirtiness, all along o' mess, All along o' doin' things rather-more-or-less, All along of abby-nay, kul, an' hazar-ho, Mind you keep your rifle an' yourself jus' so!"

That adventurer then fled to Lake Issik Kul, whither the Chinese pursued him; but when his fortunes seemed to have reached their lowest ebb a revulsion suddenly took place, and by the surprise and annihilation of a Chinese force he was again able to pose as an arbiter of affairs in Central Asia.

We demand the delivery to us of the four arch-traitors who have brought disaster upon the realm. They are the Kul Kiaja, the Kapudan Pasha, the Chief Mufti, and the Grand Vizier." Sulali fell to shaking his head. "You ask much, Halil!" "I ask much, you say. To-morrow I shall ask still more. If you agree to my terms, to-morrow there shall be peace.

Glad to make your acquaintance. My name's Farnie. I'm your uncle, you know. 'My what? gurgled the Bishop. 'Your uncle. U-n, un; c-l-e kul. Uncle. Fact, I assure you. 'But, dash it, said Gethryn, when he had finished gasping, 'that must be rot! 'Not a bit, said the self-possessed youth. 'Your mater was my elder sister. You'll find it works out all right. Look here.