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The Macedonian land still on two occasions took up arms at the call of princes of the old reigning house; but otherwise from that time to the present day it has remained without a history. Illyria Broken Up Illyria was treated in a similar way. The kingdom of Genthius was split up into three small free states.

Thus the twin brother and sister were both wedded on the same day: the storm and shipwreck, which had separated them, being the means of bringing to pass their high and mighty fortunes. Viola was the wife of Orsino, the duke of Illyria, and Sebastian the husband of the rich and noble countess, the lady Olivia.

In Sicily too, in addition to the Roman tenth, a very considerable local taxation was raised from property. IV. VI. The New Military Organization IV. II. Vote by Ballot III. VII. Liguria IV. V. Province of Narbo IV. V. In Illyria IV. I. Province of Macedonia III. XI. Italian Subjects, III. XII. Roman Wealth IV. V. Taurisci III. IV. Pressure of the War IV. VII. Outbreak of the Mithradatic War

Only in Narbonese Gaul the right of coining silver could not be withdrawn from the old-allied and considerable free city of Massilia; and the same was presumably true of the Greek cities in Illyria, Apollonia and Dyrrhachium.

Alexander's first campaign was devoted to securing control of the peninsula, but during the Third century B.C. Thrace was invaded from the north and laid waste by the Celts, who had already visited Illyria. The Celts vanished by the end of that century, leaving a few place-names to mark their passage. The city of Belgrade was known until the seventh century A.D. by its Celtic name of Singidunum.

The south-east of Spain, the coast of France from the Pyrenees to Nice, the north of Italy, Illyria and Greece, Sardinia, Sicily, and the Greek Islands, the southern and western shores of Asia Minor, were Roman provinces, governed directly under Roman magistrates. The Carthaginian dominions, Tunis and Tripoli, had been annexed to the Empire.

The raft. Pyrrhus is carried to Illyria. Little Pyrrhus at the court of Glaucias. Pyrrhus becomes a large boy. Cassander's plans. Glaucias establishes Pyrrhus on his throne. Rebellion. Pyrrhus once more an exile. Pyrrhus enters into the service of Demetrius. Pyrrhus acquires great renown. He becomes a hostage. The situation of a hostage. Pyrrhus in the court of Ptolemy.

The corps of Calvinus had also put itself in motion towards Thessaly; and Caesar could effect a junction with the reinforcements coming up from Italy, this time by the land-route through Illyria two legions under Quintus Cornificius still more easily in Thessaly than in Epirus.

Viola was much consoled by the hope this account gave her, and now considered how she was to dispose of herself in a strange country, so far from home; and she asked the captain if he knew anything of Illyria. 'Ay, very well, madam, replied the captain, 'for I was born not three hours' travel from this place. 'Who governs here? said Viola.

In ancient days all Bosnia and the Herzegovina formed part of Illyria, and was inhabited by the ancestors of the modern Albanian. Thousands of prehistoric graves, similar to those found also in Serbia and Albania, are scattered over the land. A huge cemetery exists at Glasinatz above Serajevo. The multitude of objects found in these graves reveal a very early Iron Age.