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As the season advances, the plants should receive the full influence of the increasing warmth of the sun; and during hot weather, they will be benefited by frequent syringing overhead, which should be done in the evening. It is, however, necessary to guard against the soil becoming saturated, for the soft fibrous roots suffer if they continue in a wet state for any length of time."

The vegetables, crisper, and of much more varied taste than the best Terrestrial salads, sometimes possessing a flavour as piquant as that of cinnamon or nutmeg, are gathered continuously from one end of the year to the other. The vines, tough and fibrous, supply the best and strongest cordage used in Mars.

Thus it may be conceived, that in diseases accompanied with strength, as in inflammatory fevers with arterial strength, that the cause of greater fibrous contraction, may exist in the increased mobility of the fibres, whose contractions are thence both more forceable and more frequent.

As the actions of the muscles of the lower limbs in fencing are associated with those of the arms; and the ideas of suggestion are associated with other ideas, which precede or accompany them; as in repeating carelessly the alphabet in its usual order after having began it. II. We shall give the following names to these four classes of fibrous motions, and subjoin their definitions.

A certain quantity of stimulus, less than that above mentioned, inverts the order of successive fibrous contractions; as in vomiting the vermicular motions of the stomach and duodenum are inverted, and their contents ejected, which is probably owing to the exhaustion of the spirit of animation in the acting muscles by a previous excessive stimulus, as by the root of ipecacuanha, and the consequent defect of sensorial power.

Innocent, benign, or simple tumours present a close structural resemblance to the normal tissues of the body. They grow slowly, and are usually definitely circumscribed by a fibrous capsule, from which they are easily enucleated, and they do not tend to recur after removal.

IV. When fibrous contractions succeed other fibrous contractions, the connection is termed association; when fibrous contractions succeed sensorial motions, the connection is termed causation; when fibrous and sensorial motions reciprocally introduce each other in progressive trains or tribes, it is termed catenation of animal motions.

Brain. The soft mass of nerve tissue filling the upper cavity of the skull. Its cellular tissue is gray, and its fibrous tissue white. With the spinal cord it controls all the sensory and motor activities of the body. Cer e bel'lum. The part of the brain lying below the hind part of the cerebrum. Cer'e brum.

If we put it into the oven entire, in the usual manner, we have the thin parts overdone, and the skinny and fibrous parts utterly dried up, by the application of the amount of heat necessary to cook the thick portion. Supposing the joint to weigh six pounds, at thirty cents, and that one third of the weight is so treated as to become perfectly useless, we throw away sixty cents.

But before man had any artificial dwelling the same contrivance of mixing fibrous threads with a cohesive substance had been employed in the jointed fabric of his own spinal column. India-rubber is modern, but the yellow animal substance which is elastic like that, and serves the same purpose in the animal economy which that serves in our mechanical contrivances, is as old as the mammalia.