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The prayers of this benediction, most of which are sung in the tone of the preface at ferial mass, contain beautiful allusions to the mention of water in the Old and New Testaments, as for instance: "O God, whose Spirit at the very beginning of the world was borne upon the waters, that the nature of water might even then conceive the power of sanctification; O God, who washing with waters the crimes of a guilty world, didst sign the figure of regeneration in the very out-pouring of the deluge; may this font receive of the Holy Ghost the grace of thy only begotten Son" .

The ferial preces of Lauds are found in the Breviary, immediately after the second set of Psalms for ferial Lauds and after the short responsory in the psalm arrangements for the days of the week. These prayers were introduced at a very early stage of Christian liturgy. St.

But in the end of the fourteenth century, simples came to be celebrated in the same manner as semi-doubles, with nine lessons and their nocturns, and in case of occurrence were transferred. As a result the offices of Sunday and the ferial offices were practically crushed out of the Breviary.

It is synonymous with the term so often found in liturgical works, the office of three lessons. This form of office is of great antiquity, going back to the fifth century. In the early ages of the Church and down to the fourteenth century the simple office consisted of the ferial office with lessons, antiphons and prayers.

He looked at the broadsheet in his hand and read the lines to himself relishingly as he walked along: "This day of roundabouts and swings, Struck weights, shied cocoa-nuts, tossed rings, Switchbacks, Aunt Sallies, and all such small High jinks you call it ferial? A holiday?

But just as the calendar became overcrowded with saints' offices, which excluded almost entirely the Sunday and ferial offices, so, too, the additions of octaves created confusion and further tended to the exclusion of the old liturgical use of the Psalter and the supplanting of the Sunday and ferial offices.

Later were added readings from the acts of the martyrs, and later still, readings from the homilies of the Fathers. Till the seventh century the ferial Office had no lessons and the Sunday Office had only three, all taken from the Bible, which was read in its entirety, yearly. In the seventh century, ferial Offices received three lessons. About the time of St.

Still later, there were added the feasts of the saints with an office resembling our simple office. Matins were entirely ferial, but had either a biography of the saint or a long extract from the Fathers added. The other hours were as in a Sunday office, save that these feasts had no Vesper matter.

But if the Office be not any of these mentioned just now, the responsory is followed by the Preces. These ferial preces of Prime differ from the ferial preces of Lauds, and are said in Prime when the ferial preces are said in Lauds, That is, on the ferias of Advent, Lent, Passiontide, Ember days and Vigils.

They take precedence of simple feasts only. In the ferial office nine psalms are said, and not twelve, as in the old order of the Breviary. This simplifies things and makes the ferial office shorter than the office of feasts. Etymology, nature and synonyms.