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At each hour the Kyrie Eleison and ferial prayers were said on bended knees and the hours terminated as do the hours of Holy Week still with Pater Noster and Miserere. Ferias are divided into three classes, major ferias, privileged ferias and non-privileged. Non-privileged feriae are the feriae of Lent and Advent, Quarter Tense or Ember days and Rogation Monday.

So one way with another they sent him home to his father; the archbishop thrusting him out of the south porch with his own hands and giving him the Common or Ferial Malediction, which is much the same as that used by carters to stray dogs.

He also arranged the Sunday, Festal and Ferial offices. For the recitation of the offices of a saint's day, St. Benedict arranged that the Matins shall have the same form as a Sunday office i.e., three nocturns, twelve lessons and responsories, but the psalms, antiphons and lessons are proper to each saint.

Before discussing new offices it may be well to remember that votive offices of all kinds, including the votive offices conceded by the decree of July, 1883, are abolished. These offices were drastic innovations, introduced to get rid of the very long psalm arrangement of the ferial office.

Pius X. and his commission went to the root of the difficulty, and by a redistribution of the psalms have made the ferial and the festive offices almost equal in length, and have so arranged matters that the frequent recitation of every psalm, and the possible and probable recitation of every psalm, once every week, is now an accomplished fact; and the old and much-sought-after ideal the weekly recitation of the whole Psalter is of world-wide practice.