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"Because I shall not ezcape ze fate of Narcissus." Mr. Buchanan, with the unrestrained and irresponsible enjoyment of a traveler, entered fully into the spirit of the scene. He even found words of praise for Aladdin, whose extravagance had at first seemed to him almost impious. "Eh, but I'm not prepared to say he is a fool, either," he remarked to his friend the San Francisco banker.

"So my father he went, and by reason of that he di'n' have to settle that queztion of honor what diztress all the balance of the coterie; whether to be on the side of Louisiana, or the Union. He di'n' run away to ezcape that war; he di'n' know 'twas going to be, and he came back in the mi'l' of it, whiles the city was in the han' of that Union army. Also what cause him to rit-urn was not that war.

In God's name, then, go!" He tenderly thrust her off: "Go, live to honor, happiness and true love, and let me " "Ezcape, perchanze, to Anna?" "Yes, if I " He ceased in fresh surprise. Not because she toyed with the dagger lying on Anna's needlework, for she seemed not to know she did it; but because of a strange brightness of assent as she nodded twice and again. "I will go," she said.

"'Ezcape fum the aunt, thou sluggud!" "Au 'evoi'" to his aunt and the uncle of his aunt. "Au 'evoi'! Au 'evoi'!" desk, pen, book work, care, thought, restraint all sinking, sinking beneath the receding horizon of Lake Ponchartrain, and the wide world and a soldier's life before him. Farewell, Byronic youth! You are not of so frail a stuff as you have seemed.

He had no doubt they said among themselves, "She is an excellent and beautiful girl and deserving all respect;" and respect they accorded, but their respects they never came to pay. "A café is a café," said the old gentleman. "It is nod possib' to ezcape him, aldough de Café des Exilés is differen from de rez." "It's different from the Café des Réfugiés," suggested the Irishman.

Aline she ezcape' him all she could, but, with that dash he's got, he persevere' to hang on. And tha'z the miztake they both did, him and Mélanie, in doing that American way, keeping that to themselve' instead of French way telling their parent'. "Then another thing tranzpire'. My son and that son of Castanado bigin, both but that come' mo' later. Any'ow one day Mélanie she bring Mlle.