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Updated: August 13, 2024

He thinks he's right to home among carriage folks, and every time she comes near he bows and scrapes and begins to shoot off the "Aw, I'm suah's" and the "Don'tcher know's," until you'd think he was talkin' through a mouthful of hot breakfast food. "Chee!" says I to him. "You act like you thought this was a five o'clock tea."

Yer follows the cars from front of th' arm'ry an' they goes right there, 'cause that's where the Cap'n's office is. Don'tcher cry no more, Angel," with insinuating coaxing in his tones, "I'll take yer there if yer wanter go."

I crept close. She was a jolly, red- faced girl, good-looking enough, but common to the last degree. Her hat lay on the seat beside her, and her head was resting on his shoulder. She appeared to be fond of him, but he was evidently bored. "'Don'tcher like me, Joe? I heard her murmur. "'Yas, he replied, somewhat unconvincingly, 'o' course I likes yer.

But only the boy is sure of his tongue. "You was scared, warn't you?" he taunts. The girl understands so much, and is able to reply: "You can schwimmen, I not." "Betcher life I can schwimmen," the other mocks. And the girl walks off, angry and hurt. "An' I can walk on my hands," the tormentor calls after her. "Say, you greenhorn, why don'tcher look?"

Whatcher doing of!" roared Bob, beginning to struggle, as Dexter contrived to get his feet once more. "I I couldn't help it, Bob," he said, in a shame-faced way. "Couldn't help it! Here, don'tcher try to wake me again that way." "I didn't. "Coming jumping on a fellow." "I didn't, Bob. The boat stopped all at once, and I tumbled forward."

"That's all right; don't make fun of the poor fellow," Lance said, with exaggerated sympathy. "Even if anybody had cigarettes to lend him, he couldn't smoke any with anothah fellah's monogram on 'em, don'tcher know, old top?" But it came out that there was something else on Purt Sweet's mind. He had a very expensive rod, reel, and book of flies.

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