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Desertions have happened more or less from most of the ships that have been at the Society Islands; but it has always been in the commanders power to make the chiefs return their people: the knowledge therefore that it was unsafe to desert perhaps first led mine to consider with what ease so small a ship might be surprised, and that so favourable an opportunity would never offer to them again.

Occasionally they obtained news of what was passing in the enemy's lines, and the Spaniards were equally well informed of what was going on in the fortress, for desertions from both sides were not infrequent.

The common practice of recording carefully what led up to a chronic deserter's last desertion before his family applied, and of passing over his earlier desertions with a mere mention of their number and dates, puts the emphasis in the wrong place. We must, however, go further back than the first desertion for a working fund of knowledge.

It was supposed the campaign would open almost at once. But General Howe's army had been demoralized more by dissipation than the Continentals by hardships, and weakened by numerous desertions. The officers had been in one round of gayety, and the city recalled their charms long afterward.

It told of the care that lavish'd had been In sunshine and in dew Of the many things that had wrought a screen When peril round it grew." Mrs. Seba Smith. The desertions gave not only the captain, but his great support and auxiliary, the serjeant, the gravest apprehensions.

This was the beginning of desertions which have continued ever since, until the men are reduced to a corporal's guard. The principles of the Shakers, barring celibacy, are sound and practical, and, so far as known, they live up to them quite faithfully. Like the original Oneida community, they believe in free criticism of one another in open meetings.

Supplies deteriorated every day. In the rear, the front had been forgotten no reliefs, no new contingents, no warm winter clothing, which was indispensable. Desertions grew in number. The old army committees, elected in the first period of the Revolution, remained at their places and supported Kerensky's policy. Re-elections were forbidden.

Analysis of factors leading to the desertion. History of subsequent desertions. Court record, if any. A prerequisite to some of the above information is an interview or interviews with the man. Where this cannot be had as part of the first investigation, the investigation should leave the worker in possession of some good clues, at least, to the man's whereabouts.

But these periodical desertions become progressively less and less frequent in occurrence until the whole of its life is spent in the few acres in which it has established itself. The behaviour of the Yellow Bunting is similar.

Comte and have just come in, and report that the last story current is, that fifty thousand men from Rouen are marching to Paris to espouse the cause of the people. They say there is no end to the desertions among the troops. The people the people!