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A menos que usted, arredrada con los peligros que pueden amenazarnos, no se arrepienta de sus juramentos y.... DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Yo arredrada! ¡yo arrepentida! No creía yo que me calumniara usted de ese modo, Eduardo, después de tantas pruebas como le tengo a usted dadas de mi amor....

And don't throw stones at the rooks, because they are dark, and dark blood is Gipsy blood. I jinned a tano mush yeckorus that nashered sar his wongur 'dree the toss- ring. Then he jalled kerri to his dadas' kanyas and lelled pange bar avree. Paul' a bitti chairus he dicked his dadas an' pookered lester he'd lelled pange bar avree his gunnas.

Let Dada help us to make a complete clearance, then each of us rebuild a modern house with central heating, and everything to the drain, Dadas of 1920." Remembering always that Dada means hobby-horse, you have at last the invitation to make merry for once in our new and unprecedented experience over the subject of ART with its now reduced front letter.

An' maun pogger the bawris, for yuv rikkers his tan pre the dumo, sar moro puro dadas, an' so yuv's Rommany." Said the little Gipsy girl to her brother, "Don't kill the bee, because she is a Gipsy, and makes her living going about the country telling fortunes to the flowers and taking honey out of them, as our mother tells fortunes to the ladies.

"Avali adusta cheirus I've had to jal dui or trin mees of a Boro Divvus sig' in the sala, to lel ash-wood for the yag. That was when I was a bitti chavo, for my dadas always would keravit. And so we Rommany chals always hatchers an ash yag saw the Boro Divvuses.

I had in those divvuses as kushti coppas an' heesus as any young Gipsy in Anglaterra good chukkos, an' gads, an' pongdishlers. "An' that mush kurried many a geero a'ter mandy, but he never lelled no bak. He'd chore from his own dadas; but he mullered wafro adree East Kent." Then I lost my money, and said I would play no more, and would keep what I had in my pocket.

A bitti chavo jalled adree the boro gav pash his dadas, an' they hatched taller the hev of a ruppenomengro's buddika sar pordo o' kushti-dickin covvas. "O dadas," shelled the tikno chavo, "what a boro choromengro dovo mush must be to a' lelled so boot adusta rooys an' horas!" "O father," cried the small boy, "what a great thief that man must be to have got so many spoons and watches!"