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He kistured lester noko grai adree the steeple-chase for the ruppeny kek, a sonnakai tank I think it was, but he nashered. It was dovo tano rye that yeck divvus in his noko park dicked a Rommany chal's tan pash the rikk of a bor; and at yeck leap he kistered apre the bor, and jalled right atut an' parl the Rommany chal's tan.

"Why," he declaimed, standing before the fireplace with his hands in his pockets, "if Sara dreamed that we even so much as contemplate making a fuss about Chal's will, she'd up and chuck the whole blooming legacy in our faces, and be glad to do it. She's got plenty of her own. She doesn't need the little that Challis left her. Then, what would we look like, tell me that? What would the world say?

"Ha, kun's acai?" he shelled, as he dicked the tikno kaulos; "a Rommany chal's tan!" And from dovo divvus he mukked akovo Rom hatch his cammoben 'pre his puv. Tacho. Ruzlo mushis has boro sees. I saw Lord Coventry at the Worcester races. He rode his own horse in the steeple-chase for the silver no, it was a gold tankard, I think, but he lost.

You see, he will not only step into my brother Chal's shoes at home, but at the office. And, heaven knows, Brandy is not a good business man. He's great on portraits, but I beg pardon!" "I must leave you here, Mr. Wrandall. Good-bye!" "Oh, I say, can't we see something of " "I am afraid not." He kept pace with her through the hall.

'But, I exclaimed vehemently, 'I want to be cursed with her. I have followed her to be cursed with her. I mean to go with you. 'Young man, said she, 'are there many o' your sort among the Gorgios? 'I don't know and I don't care, said I. ''Cause, said she, 'that sayin' o' yourn is a fine sight liker a Romany chi's nor a Romany chal's. It's the chies as sticks to the dials, cuss or no cuss.