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White varieties of many species of blue-bells and gentians are found not rarely, white-flowering plants of heather, both of Erica Tetralix and Calluna vulgaris occur on European heaths; white flowers of Brunella vulgaris, Ononis repens, Thymus vulgaris and others may be seen in many localities in the habitats of the colored species.

Of two hundred seeds one became a blue atavist, or rather vicinist, while all others remained true to the white type. The same was observed in the white creeping thyme, or Thymus Serpyllum album, and the white self-heal, Brunella vulgaris alba, gave even so much as 28% seedlings with purple corollas out of some 400 specimens, after being cultivated in close proximity to its parent-species.

Would it snap presently, and let her down for ever into the dust of humiliation? Mr. Palma laughed, and putting his hand under her chin, lifted the face. "All the world is very wise, and my ward quite readily accepted its teachings. None but Olga suspected the truth. I would not marry Brunella Carew, if she were the last woman left living on the wide earth. I do not want a fashion-moth.

Even in wild plants, as in Erodium, Calluna, Brunella and others, a botanist may recognize the rare white-flowered variety by the pure green color of the leaves, at times when it is not in flower. Some sorts of peas bear colored flowers and a red mark on the stipules of their leaves.

After all, had he utterly mistaken her feeling, flattered himself falsely? She supposed he referred to his bridal tour, and the thought that when they next met he would be Brunella Carew's husband, goaded her to hope that such torture might be averted by seeing him no more. While both stood sorrowful and perplexed, the front door bell rang sharply.

"Olga, I do not in the least understand half you are saying." Olga's large white hand smoothed back the hair that clouded the girl's forehead, and she asked almost incredulously: "Don't you really know that the Sorceress of the Nile drifts hither in her gilded barge? You have heard of Brunella Carew, the richest woman in the Antilles?