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"Oh, pray, my brudder, pray! Yes, my Lord; My brudder's settin in de kingdom, Fur ter hyear sweet Jordan roll. Chorus "Roll, Jordan, roll! roll, Jordan, roll! I want ter go ter heb'n wen I die, Fur ter hyear sweet Jordan roll. "Oh, shout, my sister, shout! Yes, my Lord; My sister she's er shoutin' Caze she hyears sweet Jordan roll. "Oh, moan, you monahs, moan!

Otto was never fleet of foot, and as his rifle was fully a hundred yards distant, there was no way of recovering it except by permission of the red man. "Where brudder's home?" was the query, as he allowed the hand of the lad to fall from his grasp. Otto felt authorized to answer that question at least truthfully. "Good ways from dish place a way off yonder."

Failing to discern the log cabin in which Otto made his home, the Indian turned back his head, swinging it as on a pivot, so that the end of the pipe-stem, which, for the moment, he had been holding stationary in his hand, resumed its former place in the comer of his mouth. "Where brudder's gun?"

Dashing away these traces of what he deemed his weakness, Arthur passed out of the room, and shaking hands with Wilkins, as he bade him good-night, mounted the winding stairs, and entered his own chamber. "Massa Pratt," said Jeff, turning on his mattress, as Arthur entered the room, "you don't think as how your brudder's gwine to die, do you?" "Die! Heavens, Jeff, no! What put that in your head?"

So de Lord say to him one day, 'Cain, where is your brudder? 'I don't know, Massa, said he, 'I didn't see him nowhere. Well, de next time he asked him de sef-same question, and he answered quite sarcy, 'How in de world does I know, sais he, 'I ain't my brudder's keeper. Well, afore he know'd where he was, de Lord said to him, in a voice of tunder, 'You murdered him, you villain! And Cain, he was so scared, he turned white dat very instant.