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Updated: August 5, 2024

"Fact!" said Joe seriously; all the rest had been said with a smile; "but you know mother. Come! put on your bonnit and run down and set with her a spell. She's took a notion to have ye; and I know she'll be watchin' till you come." "Then I must go. I guess I can arrange it, Joe." "Well, I'll get along, then, where I had ought to be. Mis' Starling cuttin' her hay?" "Yes, this week and more."

Fust he hoed into massa's house an' shook hands with missis, also wid Missis Waroonga wot happined to be wid her, an' hims so frindly dat he nigh shookt de bonnit off her head. Den dey talk 'bout good many t'ings, an' after a while de cappin turn full on massa, an say, "`I's told Missr Zeppa dat you's got dat willain Rosco de pirit here.

"Ho! you should hab see poor massa's face how it grow long, I most t'ink it also grow a leetil pale, an' missis she give a squeak what she couldn't help, an' Betsy she giv' a groan an' jump up, slap on hers bonnit, back to de front, an' begin to clar out, but de cappin jump up an' stop her. `Many apologies, ses de hipperkrit `for stoppin' a lady, but I don't want any alarm given.

Thus on the shore. In the boat: "Now den, massa, you sees her an' ha! ha! dar's Betsy. I'd know her 'mong a t'ousind. You sees de bonnit tumblin' about like a jollyboat in a high sea; an' Ziffa too wid de leetil bonnit, all de same shape, kin you no' see her?"

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