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Updated: August 29, 2024

Let us have the reason for this," said Dick, earnestly. "Sorry, Worcester, I can't." "Good night, then." "Good night." The rage and consternation of the Biffenites when they found that Bourne was immovable in his decision can be imagined. Some were inclined to take the matter up to Corker's throne, but they were a miserable minority.

The Great Midland are going to stop their express to pick up St. Amory fellows, and Acton goes up to his place by that. I vote we all go in a body to the station and cheer him off. We keep it dark, of course." This staccato oration was agreed to with acclamation, and Biffenites went to bed happy.

Acton worked "the-no-good-to-try" dodge carefully and artistically; he never actually said his lie openly, or Phil would have nailed it to the counter, but, like a second Iago, he dropped little barbed insinuations here, little double-edged sayings there, until Biffenites to a man believed there would be a repetition of the "footer" cap over again, and the school generally drifted back to aloofness as far as Phil was concerned.

Before we recovered from our stupefaction he had vanished. The school clamoured for his return, but though they cheered for three minutes on end Acton did not reappear, and Brown struck up "God save the Queen!" Biffen's concert was at an end! Grim held a five minutes' meeting among the Biffenites before bed. "There's never been a fellow like Acton in St. Amory's. He goes away at nine to-morrow.

By-and-by, word was brought to Worcester that the two were not to be found in the neighbourhood; and a further hurried search by anxious Biffenites, headed by Rogers and Wilson, had a like result. "Isn't it awful, Grimmy?" said Rogers. "Where can the idiots be?" Worcester and Acton had a consultation. "If they don't turn up in time we'll have to make a start without 'em."

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