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"Ladies, you know, are at liberty to think twice." "But, Thady, I did wish to go to Aughermore particularly to-day; wouldn't this evening or to-morrow do?" "No, Feemy," and Thady looked still blacker than Myles; "this evening won't do, nor to-morrow." "Well, Captain Ussher, you see we must put it off," and she looked deprecatingly at her lover.

The next day he would be sure to come to Ballycloran on his way to McGovery's wedding, and he would probably ask why Thady had prevented their walk to Aughermore; and then she would have a good opportunity of saying what she wanted.

"My sister, Captain Ussher, has long been left her own misthress to go in and out as she plazes, without lave from father, mother, or brother; better perhaps for her that she had not! God knows I have seldom stopped her wishes, though may be not often able to forward them. If she likes she may go now to Aughermore, but if a brother's love is anything to her, she'll stay this day with me."

"Well, Captain Ussher," she at last said slowly, "I suppose then I can't go to Aughermore to-day." Captain Ussher had turned to the window as if not to notice Thady's request, and now came back into the middle of the room, as if Feemy's last sentence had been the first he had heard on the subject. "Oh! you have changed your mind, then," said he; and his face acquired the look that Feemy dreaded.

It had never occurred to him, in his indignation, to think of these difficulties, and he now stood with his back to the fire, looking awfully black, but saying nothing. "Well, Thady, what is it I'll be doing for you, instead of going to Aughermore this morning?" at last said Feemy, the first to begin the disagreeable conversation.

Thady had screwed his courage to the sticking point while the Captain was the foe with whom he had to contend, and he had carried on the battle manfully while he spoke to Feemy in the Captain's presence; but to tell the truth, when he heard the clatter of his horse's feet he almost wished him back again, or that Feemy was away with him to Aughermore.

"When I do want to quarrel with you, Captain Ussher, that is, should I ever want, you may be quite certain it's not in a round about way I'll be telling you of it." "No, don't, my boy, for ten to one I shouldn't understand what you'd be after. Didn't you say you'd walk up to Aughermore, Miss Macdermot?" "I'm sorry to baulk Feemy of her walk, Captain Ussher, if she did say so.