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Updated: August 21, 2024

Clotilde is sudge a foolish she nevva thing of dad troub' to you she say she thing you was too kine-'arted to call dad troub' ha, ha, ha! So anny'ow we sen' for you, eh!" Frowenfeld said he was glad they had done so, whereupon Aurora rose lightly, saying: "I go an' sen' her." She started away, but turned back to add: "You know, 'Sieur Frowenfel', she say she cann' truz nobody bud y'u."

Iv you will tell me wad dad mague you cry, I will tell you on ma second word of honor" she rolled up her fist "juz wad I thing about dad 'Sieur Frowenfel'!" "I don't kyah wad de whole worl' thing aboud 'im!" "Mais, anny'ow, tell me fo' wad you cryne!" Clotilde gazed aside for a moment and then confronted her questioner consentingly. "I tole 'im I knowed 'e was h-innocen'."

"Ah, Miché," Madame Delphine might have tried a thousand times again without ever succeeding half so well in lifting the curtain upon the whole, sweet, tender, old, old-fashioned truth, "Ah, Miché, she wone tell me!" "Bud, anny'ow, Madame, wad you thing?"

Joseph was sitting in M. Grandissime's private office, in council with him and the ladies, and Aurora was just saying: "Well, anny'ow, 'Sieur Frowenfel', ad laz you consen'!" and gathering her veil from her lap, when Raoul burst in, all sweat and rage. "'Sieur Frowenfel', we ruin'! Ow pharmacie knock all in pieces! My pigshoe is los'!" He dropped into a chair and burst into tears.

"Ah, Miché," Madame Delphine might have tried a thousand times again without ever succeeding half so well in lifting the curtain upon the whole, sweet, tender, old, old-fashioned truth, "Ah, Miché, she wone tell me!" "Bud, anny'ow, Madame, wad you thing?"

Twenty-five dolla' de mont'? Docta Keene, no gen'leman h-ought to git married if 'e 'ave not anny'ow fifty dolla' de mont'! If I wasn' a h-artiz I wouldn' git married; I gie you my word!" "Yes," said the little doctor, "you are right. Now tell me the news." "Well, dat Cong-ress gone an' make " "Raoul, stop.

Ursin Lemaitre din kyare nut'n fo' doze creed; he fall in love!" Then, with a smile, turning to Jean Thompson, and back again to Père Jerome: "But anny'ow you tell it in dad summon dad 'e kyare fo' dad creed." Père Jerome sat up late that night, writing a letter.

Ursin Lemaitre din kyare nut'n fo' doze creed; he fall in love!" Then, with a smile, turning to Jean Thompson, and back again to Père Jerome: "But anny'ow you tell it in dad summon dad 'e hyare fo' dad creed." Père Jerome sat up late that night, writing a letter.

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