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The circumstances of the marriage, which help to explain the lax view of the vows common among the great people of the time, are given with perhaps a shade too much dramatic colouring in Madame d'Epinay's Mém., i 101. Conf., ix. 281. D'Epinay, ii. 246. D'Epinay, ii. 269. Musset-Pathay has collected two or three trifles of her composition, ii. 136-138.

After the appearances of bread vanish, Our Lord's bodily presence goes also, but He remains with us by His grace as long as we do not fall into mortal sin. *246 Q. What is this change of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Our Lord called? A. This change of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Our Lord is called Transubstantiation.

EDINBURGH, 28th November 1866. Kirkton, p. 247. Kirkton, p. 254. Ibid. p. 247. Ibid. pp. 247, 248. Ibid. p. 248. Kirkton, p. 249. "Naphtali," p. 205; Glasgow, 1721. Wodrow, p. 59. Kirkton, p. 246. Defoe's "History of the Church of Scotland." My companion enjoyed a cheap reputation for wit and insight. He was by habit and repute a satirist.

We have now to describe the most remarkable of all the Persepolitan edifices a building the remains of which stretch nearly 350 feet in one direction, while in the other they extend 246 feet. Its ruins consist almost entirely of pillars, which are divided into four groups.

In Betsinda's little shoe was written, "Hopkins, maker to the Royal Family"; so in the other shoe was written, "Hopkins, maker to the Royal Family." In the inside of Betsinda's piece of cloak was embroidered, "PRIN ROSAL"; in the other piece of cloak was embroidered "CESS BA. NO. 246." So that when put together you read, "PRINCESS ROSALBA. NO. 246."

In China, the proportion of manufactured tea to the green leaves is one to three, or one to three and one-third, while in the East Indies and Java the allowance is one to four. Statistics gathered from India tea planters give us the following figures, for different districts and years: YIELD OF DRY TEA PER ACRE, PER ANNUM. Pounds.............. 370 333 330 246 562

The actual expenditures during the same periods were, respectively, $95,224,415 and $123,246,648.

From 850 to 240 all these figures are of course approximations: there was pralaya in China; on the other side of the world, it was the period of Celtic eruptions and probably, disruption. While Tsin Shi Hwangti, from 246 to 213, was establishing the modern Chinese Empire, the Gauls made their last incursion into Italy.

On election night and for two days following the suffragists judged from the vote in the cities that they were defeated but the favorable returns from the villages, the country districts and the ranches came slowly in and when the count was finally completed it was found that out of a total of 246,487 votes the suffrage amendment had been carried by 3,587, an average majority of one in every voting precinct in the State.

The English method of opening locks was more complicated than the Scotch, as will appear from the following quotation from Scot, book xii. ch. xiv. p. 246: "A charme to open locks.