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Hewlett, however, in 1894, after thirty years of work, showed that the spots are not always depressions, being very subject to disturbance. The Kew photographs contributed a vast amount of information about sun-spots, and they showed that the faculae generally follow the spots in their rotation round the sun.

The colony is a vast, mountainous, largely unsettled region, with a high proportion of native and Chinese, and, in 1894, had but 73,000 voters, including the women. The Socialistic Labor movement, which has played a large part in Australasian politics, here succeeded in dominating the government.

William Swan, LL. D., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of St. Andrews, 1859-80: born 1818, died 1894. Sir, we had a good talk. As we must account for every idle word, so we must for every idle silence.

In more recent years several good editions have appeared, the most noteworthy being that of Boxberger and Birlinger, published as a part of Kuerschner's Deutsche National-Litteratur, 12 vols., Stuttgart, 1882-91; that of L. Bellermann, Kritisch durchgesehene und erlaeuterte Ausgabe, 14 vols., Leipzig, 1895 ff., and the latest of the critical Cotta editions, completed in 16 vols. in 1894.

A period of hitherto unparalleled speculative frenzy came thus to an end, and sober years followed in which the American people had ample opportunity to contemplate the evils arising from their economic debauch. Prices of agricultural products continued their downward trend. Wheat touched bottom in 1894 with an average price of forty-nine cents; corn, two years later, reached twenty-one cents.

Who will ever know at what a price the Red Sultan has purchased from his mutes of the European press and European diplomacy their silence concerning the slaughter of two hundred thousand Armenians during the first massacres, those of 1894 to 1896? Who will voice the sufferings of the peoples delivered over to rapine during colonial enterprises?

He had left his home in New Rochelle an hour before. Mr. Jones was an enthusiastic motorist. In 1905 he won the Smithson cup for heavy cars. In 1903 he was second in the Westchester hill-climbing contest. In 1899 he helped to organise the first road race in New York State. He was in Congress from 1894 to 1898, and was elected to the Legislature in 1889, the same year that his eldest son was born.

Finally, the opening of the Delagoa Bay Railway in 1894 supplied Johannesburg with an access to the sea over a line 396 miles long, of which 341 was in the Transvaal itself. This last line, it should be noticed, led to a Portuguese seaport, and at the time of its building traversed nowhere British territory.

The exemption from the production and income taxes, granted in 1890, was extended for a term of five years from January 1, 1894. The law was to be in force for ten years. As the end of the term of this law was approaching ship-owners began agitating for its renewal with an increase in the subsidy. The remainder went to the various companies controlling the coast and river trade.

Father Raphael Rodrigues, of that place, asked Father Brenha to excavate with him in the Christmas holidays of 1894. They published some of their discoveries in magazines, and some of the finds were welcomed by Dr. They dug in the remote and not very cultured Transmontane province, and, in one dolmen found objects "the most extraordinary possible," says Father Brenha.