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However, he said that circumstances were altered, and, after reading over the latter part of Willum's letter, left Lawrence to digest it at his leisure. We need not follow him on his mission.

Madam," cried the Captain, suddenly, thrusting his right hand into his breeches-pocket, and endeavouring to drag something therefrom with a series of wrenches that would have been terribly trying to the bonnet, had its ruin not been already complete, "don't talk to me of repayment. Ain't I your your husband's brother's buzzum friend Willum's old chum an' messmate? See here."

For some time he did not speak, and then said that he had been greatly interested in that gentleman through Willum's account of him. "Had he left any children?" "Yes," Mrs Roby told him; "one son, who had been educated as a doctor, and had become a sort of a city missionary, and was as pleasant a young gentleman as she ever knew." "So, then, you know him?" said the Captain. "Know him!

He never took an unfair advantage, and to the petty cunning which was "Willum's" only idea of wisdom he seemed by nature incapable of stooping. But in addition to, and alongside of, his artistic temperament, there appeared to be in him no small share of the spirit of a trader.

Besides, Willum told me at parting to look after you and see that you wanted for nothing, which I promised faithfully to do. You've some regard for Willum's wishes, ma'am? you wouldn't have me break my promises to Willum, would you?"

Farmer Willum had sent this, and the strong liquor quite restored Little John's good humour. It really was ale such as is not to be got for money. The boy said that he had seen Farmer Willum's hereditary enemy, the keeper, watching us from his side of the boundary, doubtless attracted by the sound of the firing. He said also that there was a pheasant in a little copse beside the brook.