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And slaveholders find such religion very profitable to them. After leaving the steamer Otto, I resided at home, in Mr. Willi's family, and again began to lay my plans for making my escape from slavery. The anxiety to be a freeman would not let me rest day or night. I would think of the northern cities that I had heard so much about; of Canada, where so many of my acquaintances had found refuge.

You know, gracious lady, how often you said to me, 'I should have liked you to have a nicer bedroom, Anna but still, it is your room, so I hope you make it as comfortable as you can. As it was my room, gracious lady, it concerned no one what I kept there." "A friend of Willi's?" repeated Mrs. Guthrie incredulously. "But I don't understand Willi is in Berlin.

However, one thing there is " she looked dubiously at Polly. "Mrs. Head here knows, does she, about my ?" And then at once between Alfred Head's teeth came the angry command, in her own language, to speak German. She went on eagerly, fluently now: "You will understand, Mr. Head, that I cannot behave wrongly to my dear nephew Willi's superior.

Was poor old Anna going to reveal something of a very serious self-incriminating kind? "It was Willi!" exclaimed the old woman at last. She now spoke in a whisper, and in German. "It was to Willi that I gave my promise to say nothing. You see, gracious lady, it was a friend of Willi's who was making a chemical invention. It was he who left these goods with me.

"Attend to me, Frau Bauer!" he said imperiously. "This matter is perhaps more important than even you know, especially at such a time as this." "Ach, yes!" she said. "I have often said that to myself. Willi's friend may be interned by now in one of those horrible camps it is indeed a difficult question!"