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Job Trotter inserted an end of the pink handkerchief into the corner of each eye, one after the other, and began to weep copiously. 'Wot's the matter with the man, said Sam, indignantly. 'Chelsea water-works is nothin' to you. What are you melting vith now? The consciousness o' willainy? 'I cannot keep my feelings down, Mr. Weller, said Job, after a short pause.

They's pinin' for the streets long afore you'd h'ever believe it, their 'earts ain't satisfied with beads and paper, childern's obliged to have a little willainy mixed in." But despite 'Tildy's pessimistic views, on the fifth morning of their absence, Miss Ruth had just determined to send around to the Tenement, when a knock summoned her to the door.

'And it has this wery great advantage, said Sam, 'that the turnkeys takes wery good care to seize hold o' ev'rybody but them as pays 'em, that attempts the willainy, and wen it gets in the papers they're applauded for their wigilance; so it cuts two ways frightens other people from the trade, and elewates their own characters. 'Exactly so, Mr. Weller, observed Job.

"Childern's obliged to get wore out fiddlin' with beads an' paper an' such, in time," said the perverse and unconverted 'Tildy Peggins. "That's the reason they's constant droppin' off, an' new ones comin' in. There ain't enough willainy in Kindergarten to keep their minds h'occupied.