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It was curious, to say the least of it, that in so short a time the Welcher should have so completely got the upper hand of his confederate that the latter departed meekly without another word on his errand. He found Wyndham, as he had expected, in the library, busy getting together the books for distribution next day. "Hullo!" said Gilks, with a show of cordiality; "here you are again.

I'd made up my mind to let you have him till something happened a couple of months ago, but now it can't go through. I'll have to down him. It isn't concerning you I'm not a welcher. No, it's a thing I can't talk about, a thing that's made me into a wolf, made me skulk and walk the alleys like a dago. It's put murder into my heart. I've tried to assassinate him.

A boy may be a welcher in his classroom work, but when he gets out on the athletic field and meets the eye of a man who is bound to get the most out of every player for the sake of his own reputation, as well as the reputation of the school or college, that boy finds himself in a new school.

Surely the good of the school is more important than squabbling about who is captain and which is the best house. Of course, we all back up our own house, and, as a Welcher now, I mean to try if our house can't give a good account of itself before the term's over. You remember what old Wyndham said the night before he left.

He discovered en route that Guth had really tried to get in touch with him, and in fact appeared greatly concerned over his failure to do so, for at Tanana he received another message, and again at St. Michaels. He was grimly amused at the little Jew's craftiness, yet it sorely offended him to think that any one should consider him such a welcher.

"You know," continued Riddell, sitting upon the table and talking as familiarly as though he were in his own study, "I'd rather like if among us we could pull Welch's up a bit before the end of the term. It seems rather a shame, for instance, we didn't have a boat on the river these races, and that there's not a single Welcher in the first eleven." "It's a beastly shame!" said Philpot.