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You see I am a stranger here and lately live practically at the depot. Am looking for a man by the name of Vysotsky, so I ask almost everybody for the man." "Vysotsky?" I asked, assuming an air of astonishment, "Vysotsky?" "Here, here," the man laughed, shoving me with his shoulder, "lay it out, old man, you must know him" "No, Comrade" I responded. "You probably take me for some one else, indeed.

Suddenly I'm told that he has been insulted by some student here, in the presence of his cousins, and he slipped under the table to get away from him. And yesterday I heard from Stepan Vysotsky that Stavrogin had been fighting with Gaganov. And simply with the gallant object of offering himself as a target to an infuriated man, just to get rid of him. H'm!

"I had a message from their stupid committee yesterday through Vysotsky that they reckon on me and invite me to the file to-morrow as one of the stewards or whatever it is... one of the six young men whose duty it is to look after the trays, wait on the ladies, take the guests to their places, and wear a rosette of crimson and white ribbon on the left shoulder.

My task was to go to Tumen in disguise, meet some people there, and through Goroshkin communicate with Marchenko. My instructions included.... Goroshkin brought me a passport of Mr. Andrei Andreivich Vysotsky I should address myself. "Your Excellency understands that nobody assumes any responsibility for your safety.

I am Syvorotka of the 7th Hussars. We had a man by name Vysotsky, a sub-lieutenant, but I don't think it's the one you are looking for: the Vysotsky I knew has been taken prisoner, at Lvov, or at the Sziget Pass ... yes, at Sziget Pass, of course. Vysotsky, Vysotsky, what was the Christian name, perhaps that would help me out?"