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Ma se l'amor della spera suprema Torcesse 'n suso 'l desiderio vostro, Non vi sarebbe al petto quella tema; Che per quanto si dice piu li nostro, Tanto possiede piu di ben ciascuno, E piu di caritade arde in quel chiostro. Because you point and fix your longing eyes On things where sharing lessens every share, The human bellows heave with envious sighs.

"Ten bob if you do it," I cried through the trap, without the slightest notion of what we were to do. But it was "una quistione di vita," and "vostro amico" must and could only be my miserable Raffles. What a very godsend is the perfect hansom to the man or woman in a hurry!

Ma di gioie la Soria E di fructi è più abbondante Tanta fama è per il mondo Del gran vostro alto Milano, Che solcando il mar profondo; Siam venuti da lontano, Gran paese soriano, Per veder se cosi sia, Bel paese di Lombardia." Still greater interest attaches to Lodovico's description of his own visit to the Certosa and of the alterations which he effected in the choir.

And there above the high altar hangs his sword, given him by Pope Paul III, his friend and enemy. There, too, in the left aisle is the Doria chapel, with a picture of Andrea and his wife kneeling before our Lord. In the crypt, which was decorated in stucco by Montorsoli, you may see his tomb. Questo è quel Doria, che fa dai Pirati Sicuro il vostro mar per tutti i lati.