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A ripple of disturbance moved through the assembled Irschchans. Most of what Thark could pick out were expressions of disbelief that anyone with Talent could do such a monstrous thing. Valla's clear voice penetrated the disturbance, silencing the Seniors. "So Losinj escaped both the Sanctioners and Entos." There were more expressions of disbelief, stronger this time. Thark silenced them.

It didn't reassure Corina, and she let that show in her expression. She looked up at the Sanctioner leader, shivering again. "But . . . I don't want to die! I have done nothing to die for!" "Youngling, it is not for me to question Senior Valla's orders, but I admit I do no like this assignment. My own girl-child is about your age." "Then " Sudden hope dawned. "No, youngling."

Until you graduate, you will work as Valla's assistant after class. She will train you for the job." "Yes, Master, I believe I would like that. "You will not be expected to participate fully until you do graduate, Corina. By that time you should be sure enough of yourself to function properly as a Senior." "Under those conditions, I can honorably agree." "Excellent!" Thark let his pleasure show.

But remembering Laurentius Valla's Dialogue on Free Will, in opposition to Boethius, which I have already mentioned, I thought it would be opportune to quote it in abstract, retaining the dialogue form, and then to continue from where it ends, keeping up the fiction it initiated; and that less with the purpose of enlivening the subject, than in order to explain myself towards the end of my dissertation as clearly as I can, and in a way most likely to be generally understood.

What of the accusations of simony against Innocent VIII, which rest upon a much sounder basis than these against Alexander, and what of those against Sixtus IV? Further, if a simoniacal election was unprecedented, what of Lorenzo Valla's fierce indictment of simony for which he so narrowly escaped the clutches of the Inquisition some sixty years before this date?

As for a specific job, we think such Talent, in conjunction with your other abilities, can best be utilized as a roving supervisor in Valla's Intelligence Division." Corina considered that. It would be a most interesting job, she had no doubt.