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All that night of Hallowe'en, a Partridge drummed near my untented couch on the balsam boughs. What a glorious sound of woods and life triumphant it seemed; and why did he drum at night? Simply because he had more joy than the short fall day gave him time to express. He seemed to be beating our march of victory, for were we not in triumph coming home?

Remember, Lady Bothwell, you too have a death-bed to look forward to; Your soul may all human souls must feel the awe of facing the judgment-seat, with the wounds of an untented conscience, raw, and rankling what thought would it be then that should whisper, "I have given no mercy, how then shall I ask it?" "'Man, whosoever thou mayest be, replied Lady Bothwell, 'urge me not so cruelly.

But the weather, which was fine at the outset, has suddenly changed, and about ten o'clock at night there poured upon us, untented and unprotected, a furious storm of rain, sleet, and snow, making our condition almost unendurable. We are now left in a bed of almost fathomless mire. None of the men who flounder through these oozy roads, under the inclement sky, will ever forget the "Muddy March."

Remember, Lady Bothwell, you too have a death-bed to look forward to; your soul may, all human souls must, feel the awe of facing the judgment seat, with the wounds of an untented conscience, raw, and rankling what thought would it be then that should whisper, 'I have given no mercy, how then shall I ask it?" "Man, whosoever thou mayst be," replied Lady Bothwell, "urge me not so cruelly.