United States or Norfolk Island ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

If a man recovered he did it almost in spite of fate. The medicines given were scanty and crude. The principal remedial agent as far as my observation extended was a rank, fetid species of unrectified spirits, which, I was told, was made from sorgum seed. It had a light-green tinge, and was about as inviting to the taste as spirits of turpentine.

If a man recovered he did it almost in spite of fate. The medicines given were scanty and crude. The principal remedial agent as far as my observation extended was a rank, fetid species of unrectified spirits, which, I was told, was made from sorgum seed. It had a light-green tinge, and was about as inviting to the taste as spirits of turpentine.

That this latitude must be taken as correctly determined follows from the representation of the letter, that they took daily observations of the sun and made a record of them, so that no material error could have occurred and remained unrectified for over twenty-four hours; and from the presumption that they were as capable of calculating the latitude as other navigators of that period, sent on such purposes by royal authority, like Jacques Cartier, whose observations, as the accounts of his voyage to this region show, never varied half a degree from the true latitude.

He looked disreputable to the last degree, but still had a ruined air of good society glimmering about him, like a few specks of polish on a sword-blade that has lain corroding in a mud-puddle. I took him to be some American marine officer, of dissipated habits, or perhaps a cashiered British major, stumbling into the wrong quarters through the unrectified bewilderment of last night's debauch.

It is unfortunate that a very slight resemblance of some of its symptoms to those of scarlet fever has led to its being sometimes mistaken for it, and as the ailment is almost always very trivial, doctors anxious to avoid alarming their patients' friends, too often allow the error to go unrectified, and the disease to pass as one of mild scarlet fever.

No detail, however small, went unnoticed and unrectified. She had been called by an uncountable number of housemaids and footmen "the little Madam" the most sarcastic term of opprobrium contained in their dictionary. A leader of New York society, she had run charitable institutions and new movements with the same precision and efficiency that she had used in her houses.

On these islands distillation is illegal, and a foreigner is liable to conviction and punishment for giving spirits to a native Hawaiian, yet the natives contrive to distil very intoxicating drinks, specially from the root of the ti tree, and as the spirit is unrectified it is both fiery and unwholesome. Licences to sell spirits are confined to the capital.

With a transmitter supplied with unrectified A.C. at 400 Hz. and a power output of several kilowatts, no wonder contacts with any part of the world were easy.