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All she had been, all she'd designed, all she had built within herself and walled about herself, all she had scorned, all that with a violent antipathy she had shuddered from or with curled lip spurned away, all, all betrayed, breached, mined, calamitously riven, tumultously sundered, burst away. She turned her face to the pillow and began to cry most frightfully.

You have made me twice a man, Sylvie! With you beside me I shall win all I might otherwise have lost, and I thank God for you, dear! I thank God for you!" He drew her close again into his arms, pressing her to his heart which beat tumultously with its deep rejoicing, no fear now that they two would ever cease to be one!

It was the cry of the freed soul that had found articulate expression, and the many inarticulate and prisoned souls answered to it tumultously, with fluttering of caged wings. With hot insistence I battled for the inspiration to be drawn from the beauty and grandeur of which human life was capable.

The noisy assembly then gave one long cheer for the General, and after threatening every sort of distant object with their sticks and clenched fists, tumultously dispersed. Kamienszka, after the odd dispersal of the rioters, trotted alongside the General into the courtyard of the barracks, where they both dismounted and hastened into the waiting room.

"Now, you-all shut up, or I 'low I'll lay into you!" Mrs. Cavendish's appearance created a diversion in his favor. The six rushed on her tumultously. They seized her hands or struggled for a fragment of her skirt to hold while they poured out their tale. Pop had fished up a man he'd been throwed in the river! Pop didn't know if he was dead or not he was all cut and bloody.

"If they will not come out," cried the quarryman, in voice of thunder, "let us smoke them out!" "Yes, yes!" "Let's break open the door!" "We are sure to find them!" "Come on! come on!" The crowd, with the quarryman at their head, and Ciboule not far from him, brandishing a stick, advanced tumultously towards one of the great doors.

"If they will not come out," cried the quarryman, in voice of thunder, "let us smoke them out!" "Yes, yes!" "Let's break open the door!" "We are sure to find them!" "Come on! come on!" The crowd, with the quarryman at their head, and Ciboule not far from him, brandishing a stick, advanced tumultously towards one of the great doors.