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"You must be very tired," Sir Arthur had said, remembering uncomfortably the dinner to which he was himself bent the chef, the wines, the large house-party. And Mr. Trevenen had looked up and smiled. "Not very. I have been unusually cheered as I walked by thoughts of the Divine Love!"

Frank W. Stokes Mr. C. F. Schmidt Mr. Matthew Snoeck Mr. Philip M. Smith Mr. O. Streatfeild Hon. Richd. Strutt Hon. Hedley V. Strutt Mr. G. S. Stephen Rev. Geo. Mure Smith Mr. I. L. Solomon Mr. Frank Sartoris Mr. E. W. Sawyer Mrs. Trielhard Mrs. Martin Thouron, and two Sons Mr. H Trevenen Mrs. Edwin F Taylor Mr. Alfred R Tregellas Mrs. L J Trowbridge Mr. John A. Talk Mr. A. Taylor Mr.

It amounted, he remembered, to some £140 a year. The old man, whose name was Trevenen, had an old wife, to whom Sir Arthur thought Lady Laura had sometimes sent some cast-off clothes. Mr. Trevenen had been baptising a prematurely born child in a high moorland farm. The walk there and back had been steep and long, and his thin lantern-jawed face shone very white through the wintry dusk.

My uncle was by this time the father of three small boys, Tom, Trevenen alias Budge and Richard "Diddy." We went first to the telegraph station at Charing Cross. Then, about 4, we got a message from Walrond "nothing certain is known, but it is rumored that you are ahead."

They were always warmly attached to each other, and in spite of much that was outwardly divergent sharply divergent they were more alike fundamentally than was often suspected. Both had derived from some remoter ancestry possibly through their Cornish mother, herself the daughter of a Penrose and a Trevenen elements and qualities which were lacking in the strong personality of their father.