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"I heerd some un say she was about eight hun'ed tons: an' I'll bet she'll pick up every Yankee craft that she gits a sight on." "And you say the Trafladagar is at anchor off the p'int?" added Christy, not daring to call the steamer by her true name. "That's jest where she is; and the West Wind is hitched to her, like a tandem team," replied Bird Riley.

Howsomever, we don't choke to death on apple-jack, when we can get enough on't," argued Bird Riley. "Jest now you got a tandem team hitched up out on the Trafladagar and the West Wind," continued Christy cautiously, and with apparent indifference, drawing the mate of the schooner back to the matter in which he was the most deeply interested. "What's this team hitched up that way for?

"She done come down from Mobile three days ago, and done waited for a chance to run the blockade. Her hole is full o' cotton, and she done got a deck-load too," answered Bird Riley without any hesitation. "Where does the West Wind keep herself now, Bird?" "Just inside the p'int, astern of the Trafladagar." "The Trafladagar?" repeated Christy. "That's her name, or sunthin like it.

"Sam Riley does honor to the blood as runs in his body, for he ain't no more drunk'n I am; an' he knows what we been talkin' about," said the mate, who seemed to be greatly amused at the supposed effect of the liquor upon Christy. "You won't know nothin' about the Trafladagar or the West Wind in half an hour from now, Tom Bulger.