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However, Sara made a great effort, and settled herself to listen to the Toasts politely. The name of this Toast was "Sara's Day Because She is Older than the Snoodle," and the Plynck responded to it. And then she made a speech on the Toast's subject. Avrillia leaned over and Whispered, "Eat it, Sara," and then Sara did. And she didn't have any trouble keeping from being disappointed, after that.

Kendrick, an' I goes to church reg'lar every damn Sunday, see. Y'r auntie'll be safer'n if she was at home; fer there aint no danger here o' gettin' knocked down by street-cars 'n' autermobiles. Now, fer Gawd's sake, c'm on an' eat." "All right," laughed Phil. "Toast's just done. An' while we eat perhaps you won't mind telling me why you think my uncle's a grafter." "Aw, nix, nix!

We'll be wantin' to know if there's ae word about him intil't." "There may be, Aunt Jean." Hester set her cup of tea down untasted, and began to open her letter. "But tak' yer tea first, Hester. Jean's an impatient body. That's too bad of ye, Jean; her toast's gettin' cold." "Oh, that's no matter at all, Aunt Ellen. I'll take it as soon as I see if he's home all right.

"This is better than the bun," Julian said. "I believe you, dear. And yet that bun did me a deal of good that mornin'." Her voice became suddenly reflective. "A deal of good." "Are you often out at such a time?" "Not I. But that night I'd well, I didn't feel like bein' indoors. There's things well, there, it don't matter. That toast's done, dearie. Bring it here, and let me butter it."