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He began to check timings with far-distant Earth. When the ship approached a second planet, Cochrane saw nothing of it. He was furiously monitoring the broadcast of a show in which he'd had no hand at all. From his own, professional standpoint it was terrible. Jamison spouted interminably, so Cochrane considered. Al, the pilot, was actually interviewed by an offscreen voice!

"Aye, aye, sir, and with a hearty good will!" called back Rogers, as both sailors started in full chase. In the nature of timings it could not be a long chase, for Ensign Dave Darrin was a swift runner, of many years' training. Rogers, slim and lithe, was also an excellent runner. Less than a block's distance, and Darrin had gripped the fleeing Mexican by the collar.

Usually I would land up at the College by 8.30 a.m. or so and would be at the College till about 3.30 or 4 p.m., after which the journey would be reversed. These timings helped me to avoid the office rush both ways.

If Alfred's face had only been turned the other way he would have seen Edward, and all would have gone differently. The stoutest hearts have their moments of weakness and deep dejection. Few timings are more certain, and less realised by ordinary men than this; from Palissy fighting with Enamel to Layard disinterring a city, this thing is so.

"Well, in the nat'ral course o' timings, death is comin' to him too, an' that'll save him from bein' strung up for they're apt to do that sort o' thing hereaway in a loose free-an-easy style that's awkward sometime. I was within an inch of it myself once, all through a mistake I'll tell 'ee about that when I've got more time, maybe.