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This complete family of parallel levels is also evidently a family lying in the moments of the time-system β. By introducing a third time-system γ, parallel rects are obtained. Also all the points of any one time-system form a family of parallel point-tracks. Thus there are three types of parallelograms in the four-dimensional manifold of event-particles.

Let the time-system be named α, and let the moment of time-system α to which our quick perception of nature approximates be called M. Any straight line r in space α is a locus of points and each point is a point-track which is a locus of event-particles.

The axiom also enables us to measure time in any time-system; but does not enable us to compare times in different time-systems. The second axiom of congruence concerns parallelograms on congruent bases and between the same parallels, which have also their other pairs of sides parallel.

The difficulty to which I want to draw your attention is this: In the formulation of the law one definite time and one definite space are presupposed. The two masses are assumed to be in simultaneous positions. But what is simultaneous in one time-system may not be simultaneous in another time-system.

They are relative in the sense that they depend on the time-system which is fundamental for the observation. A string of event-particles whose successive occupation means rest in the given time-system forms a timeless point in the timeless space of that time-system.

Secondly there is the determination of the timeless space which corresponds to any particular time-system with its infinite set of instantaneous spaces in its successive moments. This is the space or rather, these are the spaces of physical science. It is very usual to dismiss this space by saying that this is conceptual. I do not understand the virtue of these phrases.

Each moment of α will intersect a point-track in one and only one event-particle. This property of the unique intersection of a moment and a point-track is not confined to the case when the moment and the point-track belong to the same time-system. Any two event-particles on a point-track are sequential, so that they cannot lie in the same moment.

The group of point-tracks of the time-system α is the group of points of the timeless space of α. Each such point indicates a certain quality of absolute position in reference to the durations of the family associated with α, and thence in reference to the successive instantaneous spaces lying in the successive moments of α.

In this case the part may be cogredient with another duration which is part of the given duration, though it is not cogredient with the given duration itself. Such a part would be cogredient if its existence were sufficiently prolonged in that time-system.

The general problem for our investigation is to determine a method of comparison of position in one instantaneous space with positions in other instantaneous spaces. We may limit ourselves to the spaces of the parallel moments of one time-system. How are positions in these various spaces to be compared? In other words, What do we mean by motion?